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951 23 6

Authors note: woAh PeOPLe ArE acTuaLLy rEaDinG thiS

W hoT
Here we gO

Woodys eyes shot wide open, but immediately closed, he wanted to push buzz away but his arms and legs felt too weak to do so, his heart practically exploded with joy, yet he knew in his mind this wasn't right, even if his heart said this was the best thing to happen to him.
Buzz was a different story, as soon as his lips connected with woodys a pang of guilt struck him, he knew woody wasn't like this, he knew woody didn't enjoy this, yet he continued. He wanted to enjoy the kiss he longed for, no matter how short it would be

...actually, to buzz's surprise it was lasting longer than he expected.
       Woody finally found use of his arms, but instead of pushing buzz away like his original plan, he groped buzz's shoulders and back.
'No no no no' woody thought, he needed to push away, but it was too late since buzz stopped and was now looking at the closet floor sheepishly.
  Guilt, shame, disgust, nothing could describe how horrible buzz was feeling, how could he do this do woody? How could he do this to their friendship? God, he was practically a slave to his own selfish feelings. Buzz felt tears brimming his eyes so he looked back at woody once before turning away and out of the closet, UwU that's gay
  Woody was speechless, he watched Buzz breathlessly and saw him look up with pure sadness in his eyes
'Bu-' woody started, but it was too late, buzz had left.
Woody didn't know how to feel, he touched his lip and felt a small smile spread on his face, he didn't even bother to fight it this time, actually, in the very back of his mind, he enjoyed it.

  Buzz enjoyed it, he enjoyed every second of it, the warmth woody filled him, the sweet, sweet sensation the kiss gave him, but right now he was regretting it, panic swept right through him like radiation poisoning (seriously buzz, there are worse things to worry about who knows what that fuck llama puts in that microwave, oh, speaking of which-) to make matters worse, he completely forgot it was Christmas Day (whoops I'm late) and somebody called the alarm that Bonnie was soon to be returning with her new toys
  Buzz dropped dead on the floor with a perfect view of the entrance to Bonnie's room, he saw the door handle jiggle around a bit and then a small child full of energy burst in, arms filled with new toys, or to some people, competition...
"Oh sHi-"  buzz thought.

I know it seems rusHed, bUt I nEvEr AskEd iF iT wAs ruSHed oR nOt, mY biRthdAy is cominG uP aNd I diDnt eVeN haVe tO wriTe thiS iF I diDnt wAnt tO sO tHere
HeLLo fRen whOs foRcinG mE tO wriTe thiS, I hOpe uR guCci
HeLLo pEopLe whO meSsAge mE aNd/ oR comMent saYinG thAt yOu liKE thiS trAsh, I loVe yOu


That means you too.

IF yOu waNNa wiSh mE a hApPy bDaY iTs jAnuAry 26, JuSt liKe eLLen
(I think)

woOdy X buZZliGhTbEeR [CONCLUDED]Where stories live. Discover now