mmm lemme commit tax fraud

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everything that is about to happen has nothing to do with the fan fiction so far. anybody who thinks otherwise will hereby known as a dum dum poopy head. please continue with caution, several victi- readers have stated feeling confused, angry, nauseous, dizzy, perplexed, slightly annoyed, afraid, concerned for ones mental health, concerned for MY mental health, pitiful, surprised, amused, disgusted, awkward, bored, horrified, excited and nostalgic. you may also feel like your body is being compressed, that could be a random stranger hugging you for a pleasant surprise, or it may be a dangerous human compressor, look around and make sure you know which one it is. if its neither of those; and you feel it on the inside, you may want to see a doctor. if any of the emotions listed above describes what you feel in a span of ten minuets, you might be a teenager, or you could suffer from Bi-Polar, because this fanfic doesn't actually make anybody feel those emotions except Cringe. now please, sit back, and relax and-

uh I actually don't know where i was going with this



"berz~~~~" saieded a random doll whomst wuz a space barbie (the only space she has is in her head lolololololololololololol)

"yis random barbie lady?????/??" asked burz, who wuz quite honestly tired of her shit.

"lemme smash~~~~~~~" she seded vv hot n' smexy-like

"shut up you donkey" burz scremed, he spotted woodee getting his bacc rubbed by a hUGE ASS TEDDY BEER

"is he touchin mah mansssss!!??!?!?!!?!1?" burzz gsaped

"ur whot" da annoying as fuk barbie saided?

bezz then proceeded to yeet himself across time and space to wherever the fuck woody and that bear was and slapped the hUGE AS TEDDY BEAR silly

the hUGE ASS TEDDY BEAR screemed as he was getting slapped, then he slowly turned to ashes liKE pEPTer frOM inFiniTY w4R

"DA FUK BERXZZZ" Woody cryed
"I wuz savin ur ass" seded buzz back

"whot wuzz dat abt my ass????" wood saed

berz blushed "i luv ur plastic ass wood.e"

wood luuked duwn at his ass, it wuz nut made of plastik, it was made outta soft fabrik shit 

xXwood3Xx began to crye "ik it!!!1!! ur cheeting on me!! de only bitch here with a nice plastik ass is rex- i mean berbie!!!'

"did u jut say rex?"


"oh ok"

"s0! r u cheetin on m3 or nut????" askeded would, who begun 2 puut on his emo costume for okasions just leik dis one.

"listine bb, i luv ur communism filled booty hole, but berboe got dem curves"

woyde began 2 crie even h4rder now. he slapped on buzzes face and ranned off to listen to country covers of mcr songs.

"de fuk" berx sed

berbie came runnings ovr "omg!!!1!! did u rlly meen whut u sed?????" she throwed her arms around burz

"no" he seded "now pic up ur godamned arms and kill that emo fucko"

berbue piccked up her gerdamned erms miserably and looked ovr wher emo fucko went

o h  s h a r t  m u f f i n s

he had killed himself

berb ranned over to his emo corpse and red his suicide knote

 "buzz, you drive me un poco loco"


verb then cryed a million and a half teers and died of dehydration.

brbs deth and woouds deth was too much for berx to handel 

he went crazy and became the new hitler

woody still ended up dying gay and alone.

de e n d 

send help, 

or toast

i like toast

woOdy X buZZliGhTbEeR [CONCLUDED]Where stories live. Discover now