Oh god, oh frick oh g

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Why am I still alive
Okay here we  go- next chapter is when wood and buzz go homo mode 🤪💦🥴🤩🤩🤩

"I said that y'all b gay" repeated Rex "Y'all been actin gay since day one, and that's on periodt".
Buzz lightyear, the action figure voiced by Tim Allen from the popular animated movie, toy story that aired November 22 1995 blushed and looked at woody.
"I didn't know we acted that gay" he said.
Woody pushed him "bruh u kissed me in a literal closet, and didn't say no homo"
Rex gaspd "so y'all are gay????????!??" He choked on his tea
Buzz stared dreamily into woodys eyes and smiled "I guess we-"
Here comes the plot y'all ready
"WOODY J WOODENSOS" said mysterious voice.
"Who on earth knows my full name?" Wood was confuse
"Me bitch" and lo and behold it was,,...,,,,,,,,,,,,


"Wait,, who are you again?" Woody asked,
"I'm the Barbie doll whom went to space"
Woody tilted his head "hold on a second, how come nobody knows anybody's name around here?"

The Barbie shrugged "maybe because every secondary character in our franchise is so forgettable because people only watch the movies to see the main characters and how much they've grown, they don't wanna see dumb new people made just for plot, no matter how unique they are, they'll probably be forgotten a month after the movie comes out"
"Ah, okay" woody said "uh,, but whomst u b"
"I told u tho"
"No your name"
She cried "I'm so ashamed, my name is Karen"
Everybody in a five mile radius cringed. Poor Karen.
Suddenly that bear chimes in "but that's a pretty common name, bruh my name is Binky The Boo Boo Bear"
Karen sighed "yeah ok, but that's pretty normal,,, I mean, what kinda fuckin 5 year old names a doll KAReN"
Buzz nodded "she does have a point"
Woody looked around "hey where is Bonnie anyways? I haven't seen her in a while" 
"Bonni is dead."

woOdy X buZZliGhTbEeR [CONCLUDED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ