The Eavesdropper

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"Move farther away from me, you idiot!"

The girl behind me said. We were in a restaurant that had booths for tables, so we were seated back-to-back. This setup meant that I could hear them quite clearly despite their hushed voices.

"Maybe you should just sit on the opposite side?" the girl asked.

"Babe. This is literally the only time we've been together for so long and you want me to not sit beside you? Come on!" the guy said, sounding a bit hurt.

The girl sighed then said, "Alright, just let's keep it low, okay?"

"Okay," the guy seemed to smile after that.

They were acting so weird. I can't see what they're doing but they're scuffling like rats. Their voices were so low and they kept moving in their seats. I thought they were criminals on the run or a young couple who had just eloped.

They ordered breakfast. They ate and I thought nothing would interest me more about them, but the girl spoke again.

"I'm done eating."

"What? You barely touched your food," the guy (whose mouth was obviously full from the way he spoke) said.

"I'm full."

"No, you're not. Are you trying to lose weight again?"

"I have to. You know that."

"How many times do I have to tell you, no, you are not fat and don't need to lose weight," the guy said.

Now this is the point in their conversation where I obviously should've stopped eavesdropping, but I couldn't help it. The girl's tone changed drastically, as if her physical figure was a sensitive topic that wasn't supposed to be touched upon. I resisted the urge to turn around and peek at her.

They were silent after that. The guy went on to eat and seemed to finish the girl's food for her. There was a movement then I felt someone's arm being positioned over the other's shoulder. It must've been the guy.

"I'm sorry. I ruined our breakfast date," the girl softly said.

"Of course you didn't."

"It's just... do you know how many people on Weibo pick on me because of my physique?"

"Uhm I don't know and I don't care," the guy said nonchalantly.

"Last night I accidentally read a comment that said I looked so plain and didn't have any talent."

The guy was silent but spoke after a while.

"Do you know how many people on Weibo hide behind their usernames to highlight other people's insecurities?" the guy suddenly asked.

"I mean, probably a lot but if this is your way of making me feel better—"

"You're right. A lot. But because there's so many of them who say spiteful yet useless things, what they say don't matter anymore."

"Yes but when there's so many who say the same hurtful things, doesn't that make what they say real? Like doesn't it become valid? Don't people echo it because it's the truth? Don't you think—"

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