Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to John Green


 It was a cold day in September.  My mum decided to put me in a school just for girls. I hated boys.

 The reason why I hated boys was from past experiences. When I was a kid, 2 kids tried to abuse me...and all the news that I herded of, were about pedophiles and rapists. So I hated them, a lot.

 My hair is red, long and curly...I wear most black clothe, but I love sweaters. My eyes are brown and my skin is very white. My mouth is little and red because I have the habit to take the skin of my lips off when I'm nervous. Reading is my favorite thing to do. I'm the otome kind one. And Im 15 years old.

 Most of the girls of my age like rap, and clothe that show all of their body parts, always judge people by how they dress and act. I just keep silent and read my books.

 Now that you, dear reader, know a little more about me, lets start.

 Getting out of my house is one of the things that I don't do a lot. I like to be like a vampire, I dint like the sun so... I just leaved the house to go to my granny's house, the only place with good food and places to go.

 I entered the taxi that leaded to the airport. The girls school was in London so I had to leave my home town, Indiana.

 - Here, your bag is on the back of the taxi. Make sure you send me a message before and after you arrive. Bye hunny...

 That wore my mums last words before the taxi start leaving my house. In the way to the airport I thought about London, the cloudy and dark London. The Big Bang, the stores, the persons...the rules and the teachers. 

 The airplane trip was calm and noisy. The guy next to me was always snoring so I had to put my beanie covering my ears.

 When I arrived, a man was holding a card with my name on it.

 - Are you Gabriella Green?

 - Yes I am.

 He was an old man, with a short white bear and clothes like a servant. He had the school logo on his jacket.  He picked up my bags and started puting them on an old black car with school flags near the headlights.

 When I entered the car, it smelled like mold. The man droved slowly.

 I saw the school or academy. It looked like a castle. Big and scary. I saw some girls on their uniforms reaching the school. The uniform was black and green. A skirt with long black socks, a black jacket with the school logo, a green shirt and black shoes.

 The man leaded me to the school reception. A lady with a big wart on her face asked:

 - Who is this girl?

 - Gabriella Green miss Simone.

 - Room 12.

 The man leaded me and the bags to the room 12.

 It was a big room, painted light green with two normal beds, one bedside table in the middle and a desk on the end of the bed on the right side of the room. Under the bed was a drawer to put our clothes. It was a door on the left side of the room, there was our bathroom.

 - Thank you for carry my bags sir.

 - Its my job, you can call me Ferguson miss.- said the man with a smile and then leaved.

 I noticed that the bed near the door was taken by my room mate. I had to stay with the one near the window. 

 I looked at the sky. It was cloudy as I expected..but really pretty. I sited on the floor and looked up. Now im going to start a new life here...I have to make this 3 years great. 

 10 minutes had passed and no one came into the room...until...


 I heard a scream from outside...It seemed to be miss Simone.


 That voice looked like a 16 year old girl running. The steps were getting stronger and stronger. The door of my room open and a tall girl enters the room. She have several tones of orange on her short hair with a fringe, uniform, and a white skin with big green eyes.

 -Who..are you?...

 - I'm your room mate, Harmony Miller, pleasure.

 She made a reverence and then sited on the bed.

 That was my new room mate. And she rocked!

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