Chapter 7

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It was time for the reunion. I was kinda nervous actually...if Harmony tells the other girls I was with Luca...

I knocked on the door. Harmony was the one to open it. I enter and set on the sofa next to Gwen.

-So, today in our reunion I will talk about the respect you must have with your senpai.

And there we go. Harmony was always talking about it. She couldnt stop looking at me.

-Skye, what do you think about this?

-I think you are right.

The reunion was a mess. At least she didn't open her mouth about me and Luca. 

When I got out of the door, someone pulled me back in. I turned around and, it was Skye.

-What do you want now...

-I hope that what Harmony said got in your head. If I see you with Luca can say good bye to me and for the other girls here.

-But why? Why cant I be friends with Luca?

-Because...she is my ex...


-Yes, what Harmony told you was a lie. My ex didn't leave...she is Luca...

-That's the reason why you don't want me to be friends with her?...

-Yes it is...she just wants to use you to put me mad...

-So...why did you too broke up?...

-She betrayed me with another the past, she was from the Bats, she was my senpai and she said she loved me and all but...she was actually betraying me with another girl from the Bats...

-Does that girl stills here?...

-Yes...she is...Harmony...

-Harmony! How!

-She fell in love with Luca...I cant blame her...when I discovered...I was really mad with Harmony so, we decided to get Luca out of the group for us to stay friends...

-That's why Harmony was acting all strange with me...

Skye hugged me tight.

-Why...are you hugging me?...You should be mad at me...

-Im didn't know anything about this...but now that you know, I hope you understand me and Harmony...


I hugged her back tight. know are more important to me then Luca, right?

She looked at me.

-Yeah...I fact, I'm the one with the key so you could just enter with my permission, and don't forget the candies!

We laugh together.


-Promiss me one thing...

-What?... will...never leave me...

I embraced her neck.

-Of course not...

That moment..was really important for us. I know the truth now. I think it will be easier now. But, I have to talk with Luca first...

I kissed her with out thinking.

-I have to tell you something Skye...

-What is it?... you!

-Well then...I will need some time to start to love again, but you will be the first option to start a new life with...

Then, we started making out on the basement.

We fell a sleep on the sofa. Skye was really cold so I covered us with a blanket and we fell a sleep hugging each other.

End of chapter 7

So, what are you thinking about this story? Do you prefer Luca or Skye? Comment down below your opinions about this :3

Ass: *GabriellaGreeen

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