Chapter 6

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I was always thinking about that. That girl..Luca...she is really strange... I taught about that the all class. I guess Skye saw me thinking because she couldn't stop looking at me.

At the end of the class, Skye took my hand before I could step out the door. 

-So, what were you thinking about all this time?

-I...I was just thinking about the text next week!

-You cant lie to me Gabriella. I know you were thinking about her...

She left  my arm. She was really pissed of...

It was already lunch time, I was waiting for Harmony down the hallway when someone taped my shoulder. 


I turned around was Luca! are you?

-I was thinking about lunching with you. What you think?

She wanted to have lunch with me?! Why?! I..don't know if I can..what would Skye think?...

-I don't know...Skye wouldn't like it...

-Don't worry about her, she will never know about our lunch, besides, my room is the 25th its far, far away from hers!

-Okay..but let me wait for my friend to tell her that I go with you.

In the moment, Harmony came rushing. 

-Hey, sorry if I'm late and...

She looked at Luca with a very deep look.

-What are you doing with her Green?!

-She...She invited me for lunch!

Harmony looked at me disappointed..but why? Why Skye and Harmony hate her so much?

-Okay...I will go and eat my lunch on the basement. Don't forget about the reunion today!

-Shore! make part of The Bats?

-Yeah...Harmony, she is my room mate, she invited me to the group.

-Okay, but now..Its lunch time!

She took my hand and leaded me to her room.

When we came in, the room was very clean and shiny, I guess she and her room mate are very clean! Not like me and Harmony...I guess we still have that bag of potato chips half open on the floor...

-Seat in my bed, I will pull the table near here.

I set in her bed. It smelled like...Vanilla...

She pulled the table slowly and then set next to me.

-I made some pasta with mushrooms and cream. I hope you like it, I'm vegan so I don't eat meat.

-Its okay, I really like Italian food.

The food that she made was great! It was tasty and full of flavor. The creams were soft and was so good...

-I have some cookies and chocolates on the mini-fridge.

-Oh, thanks I would like some cookies if you don't mind... 

-Of course, I will pick them up right now.

She was nothing like Skye. She is polite, has good manners and she is really nice to me. Besides, I have to admit that she is gorgeous.

-There you go.

-Thanks Luca!

-Your welcome!

She smiled. Her smile was really pretty.

-So, do you have anyone you like?

-Hum, no, what about you Luca?

-Yeah I do, but I think she is taken already.

-Oh, that's pretty bad...

-I know, when I first saw her, she had this perfect hair, shape, eyes, skin...everything! But then her girlfriend appear and took her away...

-Wait a second..are you talking about Skye? know, when I see a pretty girl like you, I cant resist to try to have it...

I blushed a little. She was looking at me right in the eyes.

-If you think that I'm going to give up on you that easily..your wrong...I'm not trying to pull you to me or anything, I'm just being who I am, I am nice to girls that I enjoy and some of them have several crushes on me but...They are not my type.

-I..I got to go...I have to prepare some things and do some home works...

Before I left, she took hold of my arm and pull me to her. can come and visit me whenever you want...

-Thanks, I will.

She smiled and the let me go. 

That lunch was not that bad. She is nice and determined.

What will happen tonight?

End of chapter 6

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