chapter 30

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(y/n)'s pov

I looked down at my hands, the nail polish was chipping. Jeff and I sat on the couch as my parents made food in the kitchen. It felt almost normal, like I never left.

In that moment I realized I didn't like normal. I didn't want this. I didn't want to be in this house.

I had a home, it was with Jeff.
"We have to leave," I whispered to Jeff urgently.
"Look, look I know, we'll spend the day with them and when night falls we'll slip away." Jeff whispered back. I squeezed Jeff's hand, my foot tapping impatiently on the ground. I couldn't stand this, it shouldn't feel like another normal day, coming home after four years isn't normal. letting go of Jeff's hand I walked to the kitchen.

"Oh hunny we're cooking your favorite. Will you please set the table." My mother asked.
"Yea um sure." Taking plates, silverware and napkins, I set four places. (if you have siblings they are at school, idk)
"Here we are," My mother and father set the food on the table. It looked uncooked and completely unedible.
"So what's your name young man?" My father asked Jeff his smile uncomfortably wide. Jeff cleared his throat.
"Jeff, Jeffery Woods." Jeff introduced.
"It's nice to meet you Jeff. I'm (f/n) and this is my wife (m/n)" My father introduced himself gripping Jeff's had too tight while shaking them.
"It's nice to meet you." Jeff replied politely trying to pull his hand away.
"How long have you been with my daughter?" My father asked.
"We've been together for only about a month and a half." Jeff replied pushing around his food not wanting to eat the sludge.

We made uncomfortable small talk till we finished our food. My mother then went to get dessert. She brought out a small cake, it had been moldy, sitting around since my 13 birthday. it had 13 crossed out and had re-written 17 on it and lit candles.
"Happy 17th birthday sweetheart." My mother kissed the top on my head.
"It's your birthday?" Jeff wondered in awe, "I had no idea."
"Its not " I whispered trailing off as I looked down at the cake.

"If you don't mind me asking, how old are you jeff?" My mother inquired looking mildly concerned. Jeff's adam's apple bobbed.
"24" jeff told her. I was a bit taken back. I hadn't realized Jeff was 7 years older than I was.
"Oh your quite a bit older than (y/n)." My mom too was taken back. (if you have siblings)  my siblings returned home from school making it a big family reunion.
Night fell, Jeff was on the couch and I was in my room. We needed to slip our asap seeing as our glamor was wearing off.
Silent footsteps descended the stairs. Jeff sat up on the couch looking over at me. His hair had returned to black, and my nails had elongated and my eyes where glowing.
"Let's go," he whispered, his smile starting to elongate.
"You can't go." The light flicked on and both (m/n) and (f/n) stood in front of the door. my mothers hair had been disheveled, she held a cleaver in her hand. My father held a shotgun. their eyes glazed over, They had lost their minds completely.

"come on." Jeff grabbed my hand, and we bolted through the house to the back. shots fired behind us. Jeff pulled me to his chest as we crashed through the window. we bolted to the car as my parents followed us.

"get it," Jeff pushed me to the passenger side. I pulled the door open as my mother rounded the car and slashed her knife at me i shriked and tried to pull the door closed. Jeff ripped put of the driveway, as we sped away.


I don't remember if I put jeff's age before, but to get 24 :
Jeff the killer, the story was published in 2008. In the story jeff is 13.
which means jeff was born in 1995
this story was written in 2019 soooo...

- 1995

making Jeff 24 yeas old

Just to prove a point:

Just to prove a point:

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Worthless - Jeff the killer x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now