Two: Bubblegum Beauty

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After about a week at Hawkins high, Sloane wanted nothing more than to return to chilly San Francisco

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After about a week at Hawkins high, Sloane wanted nothing more than to return to chilly San Francisco. Her eyes wanted to gaze upon the gray waves she could see from her window seat with her bedroom door locked where the world felt at peace. Her record player softly emitting some Stevie Nicks or Runaways song to ease her teenage angst. That peace was something she was almost forgetting because everything about her life was new. She had involuntarily shed her skin to go from being the weary outcast who was pretty and had all the makings to be popular yet no one bothered to get to know her. At Hawkins High, she was born again, but Sloane wasn't sure if she liked it yet. Elliot was still pissed, but at least she was hanging out with the popular gang so she was able to ignore him since he opted to be a loner. Abigail's friends were nice enough, this girl named Carol was kind of rude but never to Sloane, her boyfriend Tommy was a dunce who probably wasn't going to make it past senior year, and then there were the other couple friends: Steve and Nancy. Rumor has it Nancy slept with this boy Jonathan last year, but Nancy assured her it wasn't true and she was happy with Steve. Frankly, Sloane couldn't have cared less. She liked Nancy, rumors or not. She was pretty, but not the kind of pretty that Sloane and Abby were. Nancy was soft and gentle, her beauty comes from her warm smile and the freckles that dot her nose. Whereas Sloane's beauty was all red lipstick and cursing eyes. They were different, worlds apart. Nancy was too kind, too smiles, a girl who is in love without a problem in the world. Sloane had to laugh. Oh, how she longed to be like Nancy Wheeler.

"Hey bubblegum beauty," this short yet sweet girl, Tina, came up to Sloane just as her pink gum popped, "You coming to my Halloween party?"

"I don't have a costume, half of my house is still in boxes," Sloane shrugged, leaning against the locker nonchalantly as Abby prodded her shoulder encouragingly.

The brunette rolled her eyes at the excuse, nudging her excitedly as Sloane attempted to hide her smile. "Oh, come on, I'll help you come up with something if you can pop in after school,"

"You don't have to do that," she brushed her off, pausing to blow a small bubble before popping it and going back to chewing, "I can just not go."

"Will you please come? You gotta put yourself out there while you're still all shiny and new," Tina pleaded, looking hopeful as she clutched the stack of bright orange flyers. The girl was popular and Sloane had no idea why she wanted her there so bad considering there was no doubt it was gonna be a full house packed with booze and dirty dancing.

"I'm going, we all are, you might as well!" Nancy encouraged as she leaned into Steve who had his arms around her waist. They made a good couple, the type of couple to talk about the future as if it were a possibility and not a who-cares-we're-breaking-up-in-three-months type of thing.

The girl shook her head, eyeing her new friends in disbelief as she sighed and caved in. She knew no matter what she said she was going to end up at this party, so she might as well give in now and let them drag her along. She had to be thankful people actually wanted to talk to her at this school, let alone invite her to parties. "You guys are really gonna make me do this, huh?"

Abby hung her arm around Sloane's shoulders and gave her a warm, friendly squeeze, putting a smile on both of their faces. Excitedly, she remarked, "Hell yeah, we are, you gotta loosen up, blondie."

"Ugh, fine, I guess I can make an appearance," she said the words with a sigh, but a smile still adorned her face. Part of her was just glad she was included.

"Awesome! Here's the flyer!" Tina pushed the orange paper into her hands before running off probably to distribute more. A costume was required which meant she definitely needed to hit up Abby's since she had no idea where to even start.

The subject was changed when a tough-looking guy with a leather jacket and a suspicious look on his face walked past the group. His eyes landed on Sloane as he gave her a judgemental once-over before his gaze dropped on Abigail and did the same. She scoffed, not appreciating being oggled at, but Abby didn't seem to care.

"Oh, my God, who is that?" Abby's jaw was practically on the floor as her eyes followed the boy down the hallway. She didn't get why her friend sounded so stricken when the boy wasn't even that cute. He was just new.

"What is it with hot guys all transferring here all of a sudden?" Carol finally implemented herself into the conversation, twirling a strand of hair around her finger as she chewed her gum and stared at the boy walking. The only thing about him that could be classified as hot was probably the back of his neck from carrying the weight of a sweaty mullet. Sloane didn't understand the sudden fascination with this guy.

She scoffed at her friends, her arms crossed and her shoulders all of a sudden tense. Sloane attempted to reason with them, but she knew it was no use. They were hooked on this dude and there was nothing she could do about it. However, she'd be damned if she wasn't going to try. "He's not even that cute. God, I'm counting down the days until mullets go out of fashion. I'm so over it"

"You are so lame," Abby rolled her eyes, "I think they can be cute, especially on a stud like that."

"I know that kid, name's Billy," Steve spoke, except there was something distasteful in his voice. Sloane was happy to hear what he said next. "We've got P.E together and he's kind of a huge douchebag. It's in your ladies best interest to leave him alone, trust me."

Sloane nodded, "Thank you, Steve. Glad I'm not the only one with some form of common sense. There are much cuter guys at this school to chase after."

"Like... Elliot?" Abby teased, tossing a wink the blonde's way. She laughed as Sloane shoved her playfully. "Kidding! I would never... unless someone gave me permission maybe."

"No! You are not going to even try to date my brother, I swear, Abby," she rolled her eyes, but her voice was light with laughter. "Why are you so boy obsessed?"

"Just let me be desperate!" she giggled, "Anyway, are we linking up after school or not?"

"Oh, we so are," Sloane confirmed, smiling at her friend. She could quickly see Abby becoming a close friend of hers and she was so lucky she found someone so quickly. She needed someone outside of her family to rely on, just in case. A little safety net was nice, reassuring. She could see Abby being her best friend and that was a comforting thought.

Abby looked over at her inquisitively before leaning in and whispering in her ear, "Stop thinking so hard, I can see it on your face."

Sloane smiled and shook her off, "Whatever."

It's been a long ass time since I updated this, oh well here you go!

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It's been a long ass time since I updated this, oh well here you go!

BUBBLEGUM ━ Nancy Wheeler ✓Where stories live. Discover now