Thirteen: Choices

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Although Sloane's life had become a whirlwind of confusion and excitement in a matter of days, this day had definitely taken the cake

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Although Sloane's life had become a whirlwind of confusion and excitement in a matter of days, this day had definitely taken the cake. Everything had changed in such a short amount of time it was overwhelming and unraveling within Sloane's mind and she could barely process the excitement.

The three of them worked all day to copy the tapes and send them out to as many media outlets as they possibly could. It was exhilarating being apart of something so much bigger than herself. Not to mention doing it with Nancy was quite the bonus. She felt like she could trust the girl with anything now that they were uncovering government secrets together. It seemed to be quite the bonding experience for all of them.

The sun had gone down a long time ago by the time the four of them finished. Murray slammed the vodka down on the table as they all refilled their glasses with glee.

"Whoo-hoo!" the man cheered as he held up his glass for a toast, "To taking down the man."

"To taking down the man!" Sloane repeated, clinking glasses with Nancy, Jonathan, and Murray.

As they all drank, Murray grimaced, "Commie bastards sure know how to make a spirit. Am I right?"

"You could say that again," the blonde mused as she chugged the rest of her glass.

Murray went to pour more for the three of them, but Nancy tried to stop him, "Oh, no, no, no... we can't."

"Yeah, no, I've got to drive," Jonathan explained with a sigh.

"I'm not driving, pour me another, Murray," Sloane requested with a smile, but the man stopped.

Instead of agreeing with them, he simply suggested, "Drive? What, tonight?"

"Our parents..." Nancy began but drifted off.

"Would be proud if they knew what you were up to. Just tell them you're at Tammy's or Dawn's or whoever's and take my guest room," Murray said with a shrug as he leaned back in his chair. Looking at Jonathan and Nancy, his eyes slowly drifted over to Sloane. "Well, one of you can take the couch. It pulls out. I mean, do, do you want to stay?"

Nancy shrugged, looking from Jonathan to Sloane, "It is pretty late."

Jonathan looked hesitant, he sent a knowing glance over at Sloane before turning back to Murray, "I'll take the sofa."

Murray looked surprised at this, but he didn't say anything about it as Nancy sent a shy glance over at Sloane. It was there for just a moment before her eyes darted away, Sloane was fairly sure she dreamt it.

"Okay, I'm confused," Murray said and Sloane was almost surprised considering he hadn't said anything when Jonathan first suggested the sofa. "What's going on here? A lover's quarrel?"

Jonathan scoffed, looking confusingly at Nancy, "No, I mean, we're just friends."

"Friends," Nancy repeated, her eyes meeting Sloane's. Her breath hitched as she saw a glimmer in the other girl's eyes. She wondered if Murray and Jonathan saw that or if it was just her who was so lucky to gain any sort of attention in this way from Nancy Wheeler.

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