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When we came home I took off my shirt and changed into some sweatpants and put my hair in a lazy bun then sat on the couch with my paperwork, a clipboard, and a pencil.

When we came home I took off my shirt and changed into some sweatpants and put my hair in a lazy bun then sat on the couch with my paperwork, a clipboard, and a pencil

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   Mom was sitting In front dad trying to get his hat off with scissors

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   Mom was sitting In front dad trying to get his hat off with scissors. Mike was sitting on the right side of the TV and Matilda was sitting in the chair, on the left side reading a book. I was not paying attention and was finishing filling out my paperwork for assistant teaching at Trunchbull hall. "I will not be a figure of ridicule! I want respect!" sure as hell ain't gettin it from me. 

"I still don't see how you glued your hat on, Harry." mom said confused. "I did not glue my hat to my head!(Matilda looked behind her at me. I smirked and winked at her.) The fibers fused to my hair!" 

"Baby, wait a minute! I'm getting it now." The hat came off and dad was missing some hair and there was some of the hat on his forehead. I was smirking so much I thought my face would get stuck.
"Oh, my God!" Mom said trying not to laugh. "From now on, this family does exactly what I say, when exactly when I say it!"
"Here's your hat, Harry." "Right now, we are eating dinner
and watching TV." He turned on the T.V. to the most stupid show I have ever seen.
'Are you ready to get sticky with Mickey?'

"Shut your light off." 'For those idiots who don't know how to play, here's how it goes. For each correct answer, you'll move one step closer to our cube of cash! Any money that sticks to your gooey body, you get to take home!' The Instructions for the show were playing in the background while I was finishing my final question on my paperwork. Why should you work in my school?

My answer: Because children should be brought up in the right way. When I was getting the paperwork for the school I have met the principal and she seemed to have not liked children so most of my answers had to be semi truthful but also in her mind set so that she would actually hire me. If I didn't do it this way, I probably wouldn't get the job. I have my bag right next to me so that when I finish I could put in there to keep safe and my father wouldn't get to it. I set the paperwork in my bag and looked up to see my father stepped right in front of my little sister. I did not like how he was looking at her. When Matilda saw that Dad was standing right in front of her, she said

"Hi. Dad."

" Are you in this family?" She didn't answer. "Hello. Are you in this family?" He reached over and turned of the lamp. "Dinner time is family time. What is this trash you're reading?"
"It's not trash Daddy, it's lovely. It's called "Moby Dick", by Herman Melville." Huh, She took my recommendation for the book I read that before her and I told her it was really good, if you like books like that. Guess she likes it. "Moby what?( he picked up the book and started ripping. Out. the. Pages. What the fuck.) "This is filth!"
"It's a library book!"

"I'm fed up with all this reading! You're a Wormwood! Act like one!" The next thing he did was grab her by the head and force her to watch the T.V.
"Sit up and look at the TV!" If you're wondering why I'm not doing anything to help her like I usually do it's because her powers are about to come out and I need her to figure out how. she's always wondered how I got my power she's about to find out. Still doesn't mean I like it.
'Get real sticky and get cash for free. Let's get sticky!' Mom and Dad kept laughing and I know it was making Matilda very frustrated. She thought the show was so stupid, just like I did. And the next thing you know, the TV blows up. That's my girl.
"I didn't do it." yes you did. "Of course not, you little twit!"
As mom and dad went to look at the TV.  Matilda turned to look at me
You know me I have a smirk on my face, an eyebrow raised, and did this,

  Matilda turned to look at meYou know me I have a smirk on my face, an eyebrow raised, and did this,

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Matilda's older sisterWhere stories live. Discover now