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It wouldn't budge. The bathroom door on the third floor had be locked for at least an hour. "I'm going in," Ella thought as she pulled out a bobby-pin. She slid it into the lock and started to twirl and shake the handle. Ella frequented this method. She wasn't the Miss Four-Point-Oh everyone thought she was.

Ella was not prepared in the slightest to see what awaited her in the dimly lit room.  All she could see were the ribbons of crimson that snaked across the linoleum in front of her.  She quickly stepped into the room and shut the door.  She immediately got to work.

The metallic taste of blood filled her nose and mouth as she worked tirelessly to try to stop the fountain of blood that escaped the wound on the girl's arm.  The girl barely stirred except to moan in protest as Ella dabbed the wounds with some antiseptic that she had found in the bathroom's medicine cabinet.  After bandaging up the cuts,  she needed to start cleaning up. She found bleach in the bathroom cabinet and started scrubbing the floor. Her eyes and nose stung with the vapor that was wafting up to her face. She silently prayed that this girl would be alright.

Minutes felt like hours as Ella scoured ever inch of the bathroom looking for the slightest trace of blood.  Once she was satisfied with the job, she turned her attention back to the girl on the floor.  The heap on the floor did not stir as Ella shook her gently to try to get her moving.  Ella shot down the thoughts that were popping in to her head.  "You should just leave her here.  You don't owe her anything. Hell, you don't even know her, let alone her name." They said to her.  She shuddered slightly at the thought of this girl being left alone.  She had made up her mind.  She would take her home.  

She took a deep breath as hoisted the girl up into her arms.  Her arms strained to hold the weight.  Athletic as she was, there still was a struggle to get the girl up.  As she walked through the long corridors of the massive house, almost no one gave her a second look.  Most were too drunk to even process what was going on around them.  The ones who were sober gave her odd stares.  Ella just imitated having a drink as an explanation.  The sober teens would smile knowingly as they watched their own friends topple and spin with heavy drinks.  

She drank in the the cool night air as she walked to her car.  She hadn't even realized how strong the musty scent of an old house and alcohol really was. 

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