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"I must have fallen asleep in the chair," Ella thought.  She rubbed her bleary eyes as she tried to focus on the room. The dim light from the hall shown through the cracked door.  Ella felt the dreariness of exhaustion in her limbs as she struggled to get out of the stuffed chair. She strained to look at the green glow of the digital clock situated on the corner of her dresser. The clock read 4:00 a.m.


Suddenly, her mind raced to the stranger on the bed. She tiptoed over to the bed and peered over the edge. On the bed was the twisted covers that contained an outline that looked barely human. Reassured that her charge hadn't tried to flee in the night, Ella sighed in relief, and dread. In her heart, she was thankful that this young woman hadn't left, but at the same time, she hoped it had all been a dream. She went over and flipped on the lamp. A soft glow illuminated the room as her eyes struggled to adjust to the change in luminance.  Her eyes wandered back over to this youthful stranger. As if Ella's gaze had startled her, the girl began to shake violently. Ella rushed to her side and tried to calm her, but the young woman only shook harder. Tears ran down her cheeks as the convulsions tormented her body. Words could not escape her lips, only small cries of anguish. Time slowed to a crawl as Ella tried to soothe her. She silently begged God to stop the pain that this girl was experiencing.


Once the tremors stopped, Ella climbed up on the bed next to her. She smoothed the hair out of her face and studied the now tear-streaked, yet peaceful face that lied almost lifeless before her. Ella's thoughts tore like fire through her head. "What have I done?" was the last thought left in her mind as she drifted off to sleep, with her arms still wrapped around the small body.

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