chapter 3

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love makes
you glow

love makesyou glow

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So damn beyond perfect.

I stared down at my daughter is pure bliss. She was sleeping so sound. Never did I think that I would be eighteen and father, or at least not at the same time. Of course I never would regret having her, Posie was my child.

I only regret that I wish I would have told Marnie as soon as I knew she would be coming.

I never planned on keeping her or her mother a secret. I had cheated on Marnie, something I am not proud of. I had promised her that I would always be honest and faithful, always.

But telling her would break my heart probably more then it would break hers.

Posie was the effect of a fling between one of my family businesses' employees.

I had met her mother, Daphne Nathen, two summers ago while I was visiting the company building. She at the time was the front desk receptionist, and I was drawn to her instantly.

Marnie was on vacation in Rome for the summer, and to be completely honest, I was lonely.

Daphne and I were at first, nothing but friends, but that changed quickly. We ended up having sex and Daph become pregnant.

At first I was so furious. Not only had I allowed myself to cheat on my girlfriend, but the mistress was pregnant. I was absolutely fucked.

My life instantly took a turn, because in nine months I would be known to my child as daddy.

I never told my parents and I never told my friends.

As much as I absolutely hated it, I had to keep her a secret because this could create a mess on the internet.

Daphne and I co-parent. I pay all their bills for her apartment in Brooklyn. I visit at least once a week, and to do that; I have to lie to Marnie that "I'm sick" or "at my parent's Office for the day".

And I know, this is my fault, but I can't go back in time and wish it never happened. My life wouldn't be as full and bright without my daughter.

"She misses you" Daphne said as she leaned against Posie's doorframe in her bedroom; her head low. "She cries at night, screaming for her dad" she said with solum in her voice.

Daphne is 24. She had deep skin and dark and long hair. She's pretty, her personality was kind, and smile was so bright. She gave Posie all her qualities. She reminds me so much of her.

"I know" was all I said. I looked up at her and she smiled sadly. I couldn't muster up anything.

"How's your girlfriend?" She asked.

I told her about Marnie as soon as I found out she was pregnant. She was infuriated. I remember her slapping and screaming at me because she thought I would be a deadbeat dad, like her father was. I vowed I would never be.

"She's good" I said. "She's happy" I added while shoving my hands into my sweats pockets.

"You should go" she said moving aside the door. "She's about to wake up from her nap and I don't want her to start fussing."

"Alright" I started to walk out of the room and to the front door.

"Dean" she called. I turned on my heel after undoing the deadbolt.

"Never mind" was all she said.

"I'll be back next week" I said before opening the door. I remembered something.

I pulled out an envelope with a check inside and placed it on her counter.

"Bye Daph" I said before walking away, closing the door, and leaving.

Broke my heart every time.

* * *

thanks for reading. chapter 4 will be up soon.


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