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"How are you? What are my sweeties doing?"

"Sweeties? They are far from sweets... do you know what Ladoo and Jalebi did today? Ladoo made John his horse and both Ladoo and Jalebi rode on his back...he even threatened him on your name...poor man had to suffer till I came back...and then I punished both by locking them in our room...but they took pleasure in that also...the whole room was a huge mess...I scolded them so much but see just few minutes ago Ladoo threw his juice at John saying for him they both were punished and Jalebi, she spilled her milk on him copying Ladoo..."

"Ladoo, Jalebi!!! Khushi they have names....Arush Singh Raizada and Arushi Singh Raizada...don't spoil my sweet children's names...I am" but he was cut by a loud shout that forced Arnav to move the cell from his ear for some seconds...

"Shut your Laadgovernor...I said so many things to you and you are still stuck with their names...just for you they are like this...always spoiling them..."

"Slow down Khushi...I was near to lose my ears..."

"You Laadgovernor...I am destroying your ears!!! just come here once then I will show you..."

"What will you show baby...I have already seen everything many times...but I am eager to see again and again..."

"You Shameless man...just have some are father of two..."

" I can have two within 3 years if I have this shame..."

"Just useless...talking to you is total useless...I called you so that you can stop spoiling your children but you are also annoying me...just don't dare to call me..."

" baby...I didn't mean that..."

"And dare you linger with any of those models...Aman Bhai is reporting me..."

"No Khush...I am not even in the shoot...just sitting in my cabin...Khush forgive me know na baby I can't sleep without talking to you and sweeties..." and Arnav went on and on and on pursuing his big baby which amused Aman who was standing behind him from few minutes...Arnav had no idea about his presence...Aman chuckled inwardly hearing how the ASR is pursuing his wife... "We will see the end...for them you are living away from each other...each and every one will have to pay..." murmured Aman with a new determination and left the room...




"Hello...why are you disturbing me?"


"Who are you?"

"Sheetal Sheetal Sheetal..."

"What do you want? Who are you?"

"You know I love you the moment I saw you on the ramp for the first time...I approached you but you discarded did wrong what I was poor I loved you right?...but trust me Sheetal my love for you is still the same...I followed you like a shadow...I know everything about you...each and every details...things that all know and also the things that are hidden I know all...." The man laughed like a maniac... Sheetal paled at his words...

"Wha...what do you mean? What is hidden?"

"Three years ago someone died...remember? Oh sorry baby...two died..."

"What rubbish?"

"You flew away to USA the very next day from L.U.C.K.N.O.W..." came his slow voice..."

"Shut up..."

"I know each details Sheetu deserve punishment for abandoning me baby..."

"What do you want?"

"That's my baby...What I want? The only thing for which you abandoned want money..."

"How much?"

"50 crores" Sheetal gasped hearing the amount...

"2 days"

"Are you mad? I don't have such big will I give you and that too in 2 days...?"

"You are Sheetal have more than this..."

"You know Kapoors are under I will arrange such huge amount?"

"Arrange it fast...time is hands are eager to spill the proofs..."

"How can I be sure you will hand me the proofs?"

"Let's make a  simple hand me money I hand you the proofs and everything settled...but warn you don't act smart like in movies...

"But 50 crores...I don't have so much money..."

"But your partner have..."

"No...what will I say to Dhruv...he will never give such big amount without full information..."

"Then ask the other one...If your truth comes out that will drag the big fish too...I am sure, you will get help...Good night baby...don't try to act smart...just trust me I am watching your every movement... one more thing baby, your hair, please set them free I like you that way..." and the call got cut taking Sheetal's breathe out...she took her cell and typed a message...

"I want to meet you..."


"It's urgent..."

"Not interested..."

"Someone knows what happened 3 years ago..." Sheetal sent the message and hoped to get a positive reply...

Thank you for your votes and comments... I am starting a new Arshi story "Entwined" ...hope you like it....please vote and comment...and also read "It's complicated"....your votes and comments are precious....

Links:  entwined link-
Its complicated link-

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