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Arnav hugged her tight...tears rolling down his eyes... "Bua how do you know the masked woman is Sheetal?" he whispered..

Arjun dragged her from Arnav's arms and shouted..."We have no more connections with Kapoor's so Sheetal was definitely not on the earth do you know she is Sheetal?" Anusha flinched by his tone...

"Chotte...Anusha...what is all these? What are you saying?" asked Devyani...

"Anusha...tell me all these are lies...say that Sheetal is not here to meet you...Speak Anusha....speak...say something...." Said Arjun shaking her with anger, desperation reflected in his tone....

"Bhai I..." but before she could continue...

"What Bhai Anusha? Why are you stammering?"

"That means...means planned all these...?" said Aman with shaken voice...

"You planned the kidnap? Why? Speak up why you want to destroy your Chotte's life?" shouted Arjun angrily...

"What are you all speaking? Can you say us something?" asked the always calm Manohar sensing something severely wrong happening...

Anusha sat on the sofa with a thud...Arnav took small steps towards her and sat infront of her on the floor and put his head on her lap...

"Bua...after Maa I have always taken you as my mother...Are you angry that I got married to her without your consent?"         
Arnav sat straight holding her hands...tears rolling down his eyes... "Believe me Khushi is innocent...I forced her to marry me...she is not any cheap girl...she is should have said me but why you wanted to hurt her? Why you wanted to hurt Arush? You loved him...he was your Chotte's son..he was Raizada...your own blood...why Bua? Why you hurted my Arush?" shouted Arnav shaking her badly...

"Because of you..." Anusha shouted back shoving his hands and got up from the sofa...Arnav and all the others stupefied seeing some unknown rage in her eyes....inwardly fearing for some ugly truth...

"Yes heard were the reason your son died...your Khushi died... because I hate you...I hate you....I hate everything related to Arti...and you were her only possession Arnav Singh Raizada..." shouted Anusha...

"Anusha what are saying? Are you out of your mind?" Shouted Devyani....

"No Maa I am saying the truth...I hate Arti...I hate her with my core because that witch took away all my happiness..."

"Anusha" shouted Arjun

"Yes Bhai Arti....that so called wife of your's lulled my husband..."

"Anusha..." shouted Arjun giving her a tight slap..."Not a word against my wife" Arjun warned her...

"See Bhai...that witch didn't let me live in peace after death also... everything was so good before she entered here...from the first day after your marriage she took all my happiness...I am Anusha Raizada, smart, intelligent, beautiful, but that man, husband of mine longed for that good for nothing Arti...I can see him staring at her for hours... then I get to know the biggest truth of my husband...that man and your wife were at same college and he loved her...yes Bhai your wife...your Arti was my husband's first and only love...he was forced to marry me by his parents...I thought he loved me but no he never forgot Arti...he never gave me her place...Why? Why? Who was she? No one...She was no one...But still that nerd tried to snatch my love...I punished them all...

I can't see love in his eyes for others which was meant to be mine... you know what I did? I changed his medicines...he died right infront of my eyes...he died Bhai...." Laughed Anusha madly...

The family got schoked by her confession...

"But you know that day when you left your deal and came back to celebrate your anniversary with that witch...ohh how happy she was? The house was ringing with laughter but you know what? That day I realized how much I hate much I wanted to rip that happiness...
can you remember something Bhai?" Asked Anusha but got no response from Arjun....

"If you remember that was the day that witch laughed for the last time..." laughed Anusha again...

"I kept you busy Bhai...I let the important deals slip away from you so that you focus more on work...the more you concentrated on work the more you got away from her but that was only the start...

I had to break her completely so I bought some media persons and soon your non existing flings, affairs were all over the newspapers, magazines, television and you were less bothered as all these were normal in our business world...but you should have seen Arti...that foolish first tried to shrug it off but eventually fall for it...
Remember bhai I suggested you to spread our business in other states and countries that was only to keep you far... but Bhai Can't you see the far you got from her the more successful you became...she was a witch...she was messing with your mind...otherwise the workaholic Arjun Singh Raizada should have never leave a crores worth deal for that classless woman..." said Anusha as if trying to prove her point...Arjun faced the other side dejectedly...

"I was satisfied seeing her so weak so lost...I closed all the ways so that she couldn't reach you...But then everything changed because all of a sudden she looked strong...the first reason was her friend that cheap middle class Anamika...she used to clear her mind, give her strength but the main reason was she got pregnant...she was carrying you..." Said Anusha pointing Arnav...

"I saw everything slip from my hands...she was getting her confidence back...she got a reason to live and that was know something...I hate you....I hated you Arnav even before you took birth...anything or anyone that can bring life into her I hate them all...I tried to take you away but can't...She was getting well...much well and due to your birth Bhai again shifted his focus to Arti and you...they were coming close...with Bhai, Arnav and Anamika she was getting well...I was successful to create small rifts between them by the media and Anamika...

I fed Bhai that Anamika was the reason Arti was going apart from him...that led misunderstandings but you Arnav you were their connecting apparently they used to shrug their problems...I had to do something big that can break her... that's when Sheena came in picture...she was my only weapon to destroy Arti but for that I had to take away all her strengths and her one and only backbone Anamika...she... she had to die..." Said Anusha with rage....


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