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"Papa...Maa...Dadi...Bhai again won the title...The Businessman of the year Arnav Singh Raizada..." shouted Akash...Manohar, Arjun laughed at his childlike behaviour...

"Can you believe it for consecutive 7 years...Bhai is the one...only one can defeat him..." he shouted some more...

"This calls for party...Bhai we need to celebrate...we need" sang Anjali louder...

"Ok...Aman do as they say...." Said Arnav indifferently...

" Bhai...not some boring party...let's make it interesting...think some different Akash Bhai..." said Anjali

"What about some theme party?" asked Akash...

"No Bhai it's all the same...something that is rare..." said Anjali thinking hard...

"Masquerade party...What about a masquerade ball?" said Arnav thinking something...he got up from the sofa texting someone... Book the flight tickets...

"Wow...a big big Ok...A mask party..." squealed Anjali in happiness...

"Aman...arrange for everything and for extra fun wait for my further instructions...." Said Arnav but was cut by his cell...he answered moving little far from the family...

"All set..."

"Good...act accordingly" said Arnav a winning smirk dancing on his face and he left the place...

"Dadi...see Bhai interacted with us..." said Anjali happily...

"It will take time but surely he will start mingling with us..." said Subhadra with a soft smile....

"We will not let him go away this time..." said Devyani...all of them agreed with her except one...only he knew this was not any normal act of him...he had seen the change of emotions his face played in that fraction of seconds...Aman knew the mastermind had designed something in his mind...

Sheetal Kapoor sipped her coffee sitting in a corner chair of an open café, near the airport, with a big black luggage at her side...

"'s strong and stick to the plan..."

"I will be..." murmured Sheetal through the earpiece that was hidden by her hair...

"Sure mam..."

"Alone? Shall I?" a man in his early 30's asked for a seat surprising Sheetal...she don't know what to answer as she is not sure if he is the stalker...

"Sorry...I am taking this seat...I am in an urgent need of coffee and the place is full..." said the man smiling...Sheetal nodded

"Well...miss you know the phrase beauty with brains?" said the man cheekily...Sheetal was stunned by his weird words...

"Indeed you are a beauty but I can't say about your brains...because you are a dumb woman trying to catch your stalker..."

"Who...Who are you? What are you speaking of?"

"Two men at your 20 steps right, three at your back and five men at the white van are waiting to catch me...even they are ready to pounce on me now at any time but you know something...I am angry...really really angry...punishment listen to me carefully for this stunt that you played you will be going to pay me the double amount now that is 50 crores+ 50 crores..." said the man calmly... Sheetal gasped...

"And don't pull any more stunt as you see I am not alone....all your colourful deeds are just one click away from the whole scratch on my body and there goes everything viral..." said the man and left smiling....

Plan failed...he knew it all...he demanded double... Sheetal messaged and left the place dejectedly...while she was driving, she got a new message...

Will meet you soon...wait for my instructions...

Thank you for your votes and comments....a small update but I will update the next part very soon...thank you for loving It's complicated and Entwined too...

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