Chapter five

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A few years later...


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" Nanny Whetstone screamed after she saw us 'eating' Aggy, it wasn't really Aggy it was just chicken we gave some baby clothes. Me and Simon watched her running away and laughed.

A few minutes later we heard Cedric comming. "He's coming." "Quiet!" We all seat back on our chairs eating chicken and Cedric came in the room. "Children where is Aggy?" We all looked at eachother with wide eyes. We heard a little bell of a rattle. We all looked at Cedric when he lift up the lid of the pan and grabbed Aggy up. "Oh look at you your all cabbagy and gravy, as was your intention. Nanny Whetstone has resigned from her post." Right now he's going to get a new nanny.

Simon stand up and open the wardrobe where we hold by how long it took to get rid of the nanny "3 days 8 hours and 47 minutes, so that got rid of her...." he was thinking so i went up to him took the doll and placed her on the right place "23 hours and 13 minutes quicker then the last one." I said while looking at Simon. We both smirked at eachother. "I really hope there are no more nanny's. They treat us like babies." Eric said.

Then Cedric came in and spoke "Thats the final straw! There are no more nannies." Then bla bla bla i didn't listen to what he sayed but then i heard "you are to-to go to bed immidiately" "before supper?" Sebastien ask "without supper!" And Cedric walked out the room. "Did he say without supper?" "Never mind that, there are no more nanny's." Simon said "just as i hoped." I stand up and walk to Simon. And in no time it was a chaos again.

Evangeline came in the room and screams "QUIET!!!!" That made us all quiet. "Your driving your poor father to distraction, stop it." Evangeline sat down on a chair and grabbed her book. "Lilly whats this word?" "Lovingly. He took her lovingly by the hand." "Whats you book about Evangeline?" "Its about the daughter of a nice man who remarries after his wife dies and the stepmother is horrid to her." "Why doesn't the man stop her from being horrid?"

"Fathers all turn bad once their wives die they don't care anymore." "Simon...your does." "No he doesn't, Does he read to Chrissie or play cricket with us like he used to, he doesn't even sing loola-Bye to Aggy and we hardly see him" i said. Evangeline came to me and spoke "He loves you Y/N you know that. He's just had a lot on his mind since..." "since mother died." Simon said and we all looked at him with sad eyes. "You used to be as close as anything." "Not anymore..... All he cares about is getting himself a nice new wife." "Maybe its nice to have a new mother."

Evangeline tried to lighten up the conversation.  But that didn't work. "Don't you know anything about the world Evangeline? Who ever he marries will be vile and treats us like slaves." Lilly said. "And wil send me off to the streets." I said with sad eyes and Simon immidiatley came to me and held me in his arms. I blocked everyone out and just looked at Simon who hold me close to him. Then i heard the door close and saw that Evangeline walked out. Sébastien walked after her and asked for some toast. Like he ever gets it.

10 votes for chapter 6

I was feeling nice so i updated. But next time no 10 votes no new chapter. Sorry that i'm evil

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