Chapter ten

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This story is coming slowly to an end because it skips to the wedding.

3rd POV

Nanny McPhee and the children stood in de hall way, waiting for the wedding to begin. The children were dressed in horrible clothes. "Sebastian," nanny McPhee started. "Your top button is undone. Lily, you have a little hair caught in your crook. Eric, help her, please. Your father will be down in a moment." Not a second later and Miss Quickly walked in. "Now, thats an improvement. Letty, go keep a lookout." She turned to Nanny Mcphee and said. "I say, whatever your name is, don't suppose you could give me a second on my on with the little darlings?" She said with a fake smile. Nanny McPhee bowed her head and walked away.

Miss Quickly turned to the children. "Now, my dears... there's going to be some changes made around here...." she slowly walked back and forth still, looking at the children. "I'm in charge of this household now." She continued. "And while I'm in charge, you children will behave. Do you hear? BEhave..." she said while staring at Chrissie. "Behave..," she repeated. Aggy was waving with the ratting causing the bell to ring which annoyed Miss Quickly. "And we're not having any of that nasty noice all the way through my nice wedding either." She snatched the rattle from Aggy which made Aggy cry. "Shut her up." Said Miss Quickly with an angry look in her eyes. Tora bend down to make Aggy stop crying. 'If Y/N was here Aggy would stop crying immediately.' Tora said in her head. Simon tried to grab the rattle from Miss Quickly's hand but she snatched it away before he could reach it. "Naughty." She said. Tora looked at Miss Quickly and said. "Its our mother's rattle give it back." "I'm your mother now." Miss Quickly said and she broke te rattle in half. The children looked at her in horror. Hated in their eyes. "Time to adapt." She said with an evil smirk on her face. But little did they know. Nanny McPhee saw everything.

A few seconds past and Cedric walked down the stairs fixing his jacket. Immediately Sebastian started. "Papa, Miss Quickly-." Before he couldn't finish Eric put his hand on Sebastians mouth. "Yoo-hoo, Cedric." said Miss Quickly with a smile. "I realize the bride and the groom shouldn't meet until the ceremony, but after all, you and i are old hands at this, are we not?" She said while putting her hand up so he could kiss it. But instead Cedric grabbed her hand and shook it.

Letty started running to them saying. "She's here! Lady Stitch! Selma... there's footmen." She said shocked. Not a second passed and cook ran up from the kitchen. The three of them, Miss Quickly, cook and Letty fought there way to the door. Cook opens the door revealing Lady Stitch. "Where's the women, then?" Was the first thing Lady Stitch said. Cedric walked up to them saying. "Aunt Adelaide, how lovely-." His sentence got cut off by Lady Stitch. "Shut up! Where is the women Cedric?" She repeated. "Aunt Adelaide may i present my fiancé, Miss Selma Quickly. Selma, this is Lady Stitch." Immediately Miss Quickly curtsied and put a hand on her chest . "Your Ladyness." She started. Lady Stitch grabbed her glasses to look at Miss Quickly. "Welcome, if i may be so bold to our humble, nay. Lowly festivities. You shower glory upon us from above. The very air about you shines with...with... with aboveness." She continued. Cedric and Letty were a bit embarrassed. Lady Stitch replied with. "A gracious welcome, i must say. Rise my dear." Miss Quickly tried to get up but couldn't because of her dress. Letty helped her to get up from the floor. Cedric pointed to the children and said. "And the children are in their shepherdess outfits. Well, thats the girls obviously, the boys. Well, actually i'm not quite sure what they are. But, anyway, you can see." They walked to the children and stood in front of them.

Simon POV.

I hear a lot of blabber from Miss Quickly when Lady Stitch arrived. I miss Y/N... the house seemed even emptier without her. Is it possible that the bed became bigger? I wonder how she's doing. While i was lost in my thoughts i heard Lady Stitch say. "Oh, keep up, will you two, please?" We all looked at the door and there was Evangeline... she looked very ladylike... a proper woman. She walked to us and greeted us. I wasn't paying attention but i saw someone else outside. 'Could it be...?' "Y/N come here now!" Lady Stitch yelled.
There she was... after all these days... she looked absolutely gorgeous. Her beautiful Y/H/C was longer... her red dress right above her feet.... "May i present my adopted daughters. Miss Evangeline Stitch and Miss Y/N Stitch."

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