Chapter six

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I'm gonna give you a little story about what happend after the funeral of Tora(Miss Brown). We mourned her for 2 and a half months, after that Cedric went back to work and he hired nanny's. But in the time that we mourn me and Simon became little devils but we still cared for eachother and his siblings. We still had some pain of Tora's death but when we do bad stuff that pain will go away. So thats why anyways lets go further.


When Y/N told Evangeline that she will get set off to the streets if father marries again i felt my heart break a bit. I can't imagine a world without her she is my everything 'that sounded cheesy'. I walk upstairs and see Y/N laying on her bed. I walk up to her and sit down next to her on her bed and see her sleeping. I put my hand on her cheek and admire her. "Y/N? Wake up..." i said in a whisper. "Go away..." she mumbled. I kissed her all over her face making her laugh. "Come we are going to play in the kitchen." She had an evil smirk on her face. "Are we going to tie Cook up?" "Always." And she sat up and gave me a kiss. I grabbed her hand and we walked downstairs.

"Go go go!" I whisper-shout. And we did it! We have her knocked out cold. "Yeah!" And we all run in the kitchen, tied Cook up and did something evil. Me and Y/N put stuff into the pot. We gave eachother evil smiles.


When i came to the kitchen i saw the children! I run to Cedric to tell them. "They're in the kitchen!" "What?! Oh no no no! You took them down for- toast!!" "I didn't!!" He got up and walked downstairs and i followed him. "You send them to bed without supper!!" He wanted to say something but got cut off by someone knocking on the door. I jumped closer to him but i backed away quick. "Y-you go." "I-I." "You go and." I walked back to the kitchen and watch the children destroy it.


We are having so much FUN!! I was looking at Simon who was looking at me, we both smiled at eachother.
He makes me happy, he makes me forget about everyone and let me focus on him.
Then we hear the door open. "Oh look." Simon begins. "The door opend but nobody's there." Looked at the door and saw a woman in a black dress. 'Oh God what happend to her face?'
"I'm here.. I'm Nanny McPhee." "Di-did somebody speak?" i said like she wasn't here. "Then listen carefully and try to hear this.. stop what your doing, put the kitchen to rights... and go upstairs to bed."                                                                                                                                                                We all looked at eachother and sniggered. "Did you hear what i said?" "I just had a idea why don't we play here in the kitchen all night long" Simon said and ignored the nanny. And we all screamed. Then she grabbed something like a stick. Me and Simon look at eachother with a weird look on our face.                                                                                                                                                    She lift it up a bit and smash it on the ground and suddenly we all start to do everything really fast. "Whats going on!!" "What did she do?!?" "They went in the pot!" We all screamed. 'What the hell is going on?!?'                                                                                                                                                 "Simon?" i look at him with a scared look on my face. "Let's stop!!" "Let's stop!!"                           "Wel stop if you want then." Simon said angrily "We can't!" "Its all her fault!!" "Simon!!" I scream. "Well come on whoever you are. Let's stop this and go to bed!" He said to the nanny. "Say 'please'" she said calmly. "I never say please!" Simon said to her angrily "Very well"          She started to leave but we all started to scream 'please' at her except Simon. "AGGY!!" "SIMON SAY IT!" "Oh for goodness sake please then!!" She turned around "Please nanny McPhee." "SIMON!!!" "Please nanny McPhee." She grabbed the stick and banged it on the floor again and everything was clean and we all stood at the door. "Up to bed please" and we all walked upstairs and i grabbed Simon's hand who still looked shocked. And we both walked upstairs.

'What the Hell did just happen?'

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The Nanny Simon x readerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora