Chapter Two

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Taking Myra's advice, Maxwell waited for the next day to come. As he walked along the rocky cliffs that shielded the bay from prying eyes, his gaze turned to the waves. The ocean was as inviting as ever - though, a figure sat by the tide, just behind the damp sand.

Maxwell clutched onto his surfboard as he cautiously approached. Was this the person from yesterday? Had Myra been right? What if she knew about this? He shook his head silently.

The person was facing away from him, so he only saw the long hair and a small sack by their side. They were stagnant, seeming to calmly watch the hushed waves.

"Hello?" he called out into the brisk wind. The gentle swishing of waves began to fill his ears as he grew closer. The figure turned and invitingly nudged their head. Maxwell neared until he was standing awkwardly beside the person, who he now recognized as male. It was unusual for someone to visit the bay.

It was always hidden behind jagged rocks and winding roads. There were many rumors that this beach was a hotspot for evil entities, but Maxwell believed none of it. He's lived here for a few decades; he would know if anything magical happened, if magic even existed.

The man next to him was covered in a large quilt of thick cotton and soft fiber, that exposed his top half. A tan and slightly muscled build was normal in this part of town, and he was no acception. Dark hair peppered his chest and armpits, coming in thick puffs like he didn't know what shaving was.

His eyes were acorn-shaped and lively, speckled with gold but predominantly caramel brown. Light blue tribal markings trailed across his nose and eyes, pointing down his cheeks that resembled tear streaks. He had long, silky butterscotch hair that fell past his shoulders.

"It's nice to meet you, Maxwell. Upon arrival, I was startled to see someone right away. To be honest I was scared at first, but yesterday, you really gave me a sense of comfort." the man spoke, looking up through light lashes.

Two little black horns protruded from the top of his head. They were about the length of Maxwell's pinkie finger, which was a little adorable. "Mind my things. I only brought food with me.. I wasn't prepared for such an expansive environment. I knew the Earth realm was massive, but..."

The man gently pushed aside his leather knapsack, which was zipped open with apples and wheat spilling out lazily. There were little leafy straps that held the wheat and grasses together, and the apples rolled astray from the bag's opening. "You can sit down with me if you'd like. My name is Saevel Kriebhaaq." he said shyly, scratching at his neck behind thin hair. (Say-vŭl Kree-bock)

"Uh, sure.. I guess." Maxwell made himself a seat beside Saevel, looking down to the blanket that suspiciously covered his lower half. "So why do you have a blanket? Did you come here completely naked?" he asked bluntly.

"Um," he blushed, "something like that."

An etched dagger lay beside the knapsack, crafted of a glimmering glass-like material with huckleberry goat leather around the grip. The blade was incredibly sharp and iridescent in the morning sunlight. Maxwell's eyes were warily locked onto the weapon. Saevel looked down to the dagger and tucked it away, behind his waist.

"I don't plan to use it, if that's what you're wondering." His eyes flicked away from Maxwell's green ones, as if he were concealing something important. "Yesterday, you said you had no thoughts of hurting me. I'll return the favor, for I'm determined to make a friend of you."

"So where are you from?" Maxwell asked, watching as a blush as red as berry returned to Saevel's face.

"Uh-ah, I can't say. I'm restricted from telling anyone, even the humans-or, um... I mean.." he spluttered and tensed, eyes wide with terror. His calm facade shattered completely, revealing a sensitive, shy soul. He fidgeted under his white blanket, eyes shifting to anywhere but Maxwell.

"So you're what, an alien?" Maxwell asked dryly. His expression was disbelieving and eyes pierced playfully into Saevel's. The man reeled back with an offended look, fingers clenching around the sand that sat hot below them.

"Well, jokes aside, can you at least tell me how old you are?" Maxwell tilted his head as a dog would, a smirk planted on his face. Saevel aimed his gaze downwards, eyes a little saddened and fearful.

"You have to promise to not laugh at me." Saevel uttered, looking up bashfully. The horns were completely visible now that his hair had shifted. There were dark, spiraling patterns that circled around the horns, leaving Maxwell distracted.

"Uh," he snapped out of his daze, "just tell me."

"I'm 2,107 years old."

"You're.. C'mon, you're messin' with me. What else, you can fly and you secretly have a third arm?" Maxwell laughed, making Saevel grimace. He raised his head and huffed, nose to the sky.

"Are all humans this ignorant? Why can't you believe me? I'm telling nothing but the truth." Saevel inhaled sharply and his voice wobbled, "Do you really want to know? Fine. If you don't believe my age, then listen to this. I'm a mage from Taintpine, a land far from the human grasp. I was sent here by Empress Luhlo to investigate this realm. I study the arts of illusion and destruction magic and I'm still an apprentice in conjuration. And see these horns?"

He paused and took a breath, tapping the thick black horns that nubbed from his hair. "They're not normal here, so humans automatically assume I'm a freak." His whole body was quivering in anger by now.

'Oh,' Maxwell thought, 'he's serious..'

"Well..." Maxwell trailed off, making the other man raise his chin. "What spells do you know, if you're really a mage?" Saevel pouted and avoided his gaze.

"I have a plethora of spells I'm willing to try. I've only mastered the basics."

"Okay, are you sure you're not from a video game or something?"

Saevel grew cherry red. "This isn't something to jest about!" he retorted, eyes distraught and hands clenched into stressed fists. Maxwell snickered at how Saevel's voice was pleading.

"Then prove it to me. Show me that whatever you're saying is true." Maxwell crossed his arms, defiant.

Saevel's face contorted into hurt before he sighed in defeat. "Okay... All right."


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