Chapter Thirty (End)

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Maxwell and Saevel traveled to the farthest ends of Taintpine, looking over the vast aspect of trees surrounding the place. The human wondered how many satyrs jumped in, how many came out alive and how many went missing in that endless mass of emerald and umber.

"Have you ever wanted to explore it for yourself?" Maxwell asked, turning to his boyfriend. The sudden query startled him despite the context and what he implied. The satyr shrugged, looking out into the distance.

"Not really, it's against the law. Not many have come forward to tell. Those valiant enough say there are large and spacious mountains beyond what our eyes can see from here." replied Saevel.

"While adventuring, satyrs come back with large scars over their chests and shoulders. They claim to have gotten the injuries from deep within Secaea territory." he continued, running a fingertip along the plates of his chest to mark the scars.

"Speaking of, why are you shirtless all the time?"

Saevel froze. The change of subject was unexpected. Maxwell looked eager to hear his answer. "Why do you..? What? Why do you ask now?"

Maxwell glanced down at his nipples, then his face flushed scarlet. "No reason."

The satyr followed his gaze and his shoulders sunk in realization. "I see. You're distracted by my exposure. We satyrs don't fancy clothes, mainly because they're uncomfortable and inefficient in this hot weather. If anything, jewelry and silk are the most we wear."

"Best to keep it that way. It's attractive."


A few months later, the satyrs of Taintpine have grown accustomed to Maxwell, greeting him whenever he walked the streets. The lumberjacks would ask for help at the mill and the farmers would offer him their freshest crops, while the blacksmiths asked for an opinion on their weaponry.

Maxwell spent most of his time in Taintpine nowadays. He last saw his sister about a week ago, who was now officially dating Penelope. The two were awkward and hesitant when it came to intimacy, especially Penelope. The assassin hadn't been romantic with anyone in her life.

When Maxwell finally resurfaced from the portal, he looked outside to check on the fresh summer leaves and piping hot sidewalks. He expected the grass to be thriving in the summer sun, the roads clear and the skies clearer. But the hot weather was long gone.

Thick blankets of snow covered everything, and the chill of fast and icy wind swept throughout the neighborhood. The sun ducked behind rolling grey clouds, while little flecks of white fluttered from underneath. Under the rims of windows hung crystalline icecicles both large and small.

"Holy shit." he couldn't help but mutter. "Sae's never seen seasons before... Maybe now's my chance." He looked back into the portal to find a puzzled satyr staring back at him, his face twisted into a look of uncertainty.

Maxwell motioned for him to come through, and Saevel obliged. The nearby window caught his gaze as he looked through the spaces between patterns of thin frost. He laid his eyes upon a land pure white. The treetops shivered in the harsh breeze, the shimmering snow falling off in little shudders.

"What... What is that? What happened to your town?" His voice grew panicked. "What's wrong? What's happening?" Questions bombarded the human endlessly,  which were soon silence by a lengthy kiss on the mouth.

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