Chapter Twenty-Two

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Maxwell paused, eyes trained on the rippling portal against the wall. "What about Myra?"

"Kawe is treating her. When she is ready and nursed back to health, Kawe will bring her back to the house. I will make sure to keep in contact with her through gateways." Saevel reached up and stroked Maxwell's arm, a gentle smile laying on his lips. The memory of what happened in the throne hall came back to his mind... and his face was red again.

"Uh," they both blurted in unison. Saevel flinched and let out an awkward chuckle.

"Go ahead." "You first."

Maxwell slapped a hand to his forehead, dragging it down to the bridge of his nose. He cleared his throat. "Um, I was thinking about what happened back there. Is it okay if, I mean- What would you think if we... We went past just romantic interests?" he stammered.

Saevel brushed back a strand of hair behind his elvish ear, stroking his horn gently out of self-consciousness. "I was thinking something close to that. I... I just wanted to let you know that I've never been kissed before."

"But yeah, I-I'd like it if we could go further than what we are now." He added hastily with a little smile.

"Then, Saevel, would you like to be my boyfriend?" Maxwell leaned down and took Saevel's hands into his, gently squeezing them with his thumbs. "Officially." he clarified.

Saevel's eyes seemed to say everything for him; the glossy film of pure elation swimming in those chocolate orbs. "Yes." His suppressed smile split into a grin and they enveloped each other in a tight, giggling hug. Both of them were giddy with happiness.

Maxwell pulled back and kissed Saevel on the mouth.

Saevel let out a goatish squeal, sinking into the kiss as his grip on the human slackened. His fingertips brushed the nape of Maxwell's neck as their lips moved in perfect unison. All Saevel could feel was a scalding heat running through his veins; the zeal rushing past his ears to the point where he was almost deaf. His blood was practically boiling with excitement.

A sharp blush was pooling at his cheeks and neck, only to spread to his fingertips and shoulders. He was flooded with a wave of emotions and awareness, the way Maxwell's fingers brushed his blazing skin, the way Maxwell's lips opened and closed slowly in order to keep the kiss going.

The way Maxwell drew him in.

He was so riveted.

Maxwell pulled back, eyes fogged over with ardor. "We're boyfriends now. Better get used to this," he leaned in for another kiss but Saevel beat him to it, eagerly grabbing onto the human's waist.

Maxwell smiled into the kiss at how desperate Saevel seemed with the reddened face and vulnerable form and oh so needy movements. Saevel grabbed for anything; his arm, his shoulders, his hips.. Anything to get closer to that thrilling fervor.

"I've never felt something so good in my life.." Saevel breathed between smooches, their mouths parting with a watery, compelling noise that made Saevel's ears twitch. The warm, melding feel of Maxwell's lips against his; it could astonish the satyr for ages. Gentle breaths fanning against different skin, two kinds pulled together by the fiery depths of interest.

When they withdrew, they took a moment of silence, despite the crackling of flaky wood at the fire pit, to catch their breaths. "Thank you so much," Saevel nuzzled his nose into the human's shoulder and let out a content huff. "That was my first kiss... It means a lot to me."

"I'm glad it was you who stole it." the satyr whispered with a little sigh. He pressed his forehead to the human's, both feverish from the high.


After the ecstasy settled, the two hung by the fire, arms extended so that the flames could brush their fingertips. Saevel looked down at the small table beside them, a jug and two decorated goblets perfectly placed in the middle. Maxwell's hand fiddled with one of the silver goblets, fingernail tapping against it almost restlessly.

"What's on your mind?" Saevel asked, pulling the human from his daze. The tapping suddenly stopped.

"I don't want to leave... but at the same time, I want to see Myra. I don't know what I would do without that brat." Maxwell let out a small chortle, "I miss her for once in my life." Saevel let out a patch of breath, a smile pulling at his mouth.

"Then go see her... I-" Saevel paused. A shrill, chirping noise rung through his head. Myra was home. "She's home." he said, "Kawe has returned her safely. I just got a call from her." he stood and ushered Maxwell to the portal, a wide grin on his lips. "Go now."

"But what about you?"

"I'll be safe here. I am now Master of the Tesian college. I think I can manage myself." he leaned forward and planted a gentle kiss on Maxwell's unexpecting lips. Their mouths molded together perfectly, like two pieces of a puzzle.

Saevel pulled back, devoid of fear. He smiled at the look on Maxwell's face; wide eyes and an ajar mouth and plump lips that were irresistibly and recently kissable. Maxwell's brow was lifted in surprise, then he jolted upon realizing the shock had ended.

"Woah," he let out a forceful patch of breath with a smile turning the corners of his mouth. "That was... That was nice.." His words slipped to a whisper as he continued. "I wouldn't mind that every day."

"Well you got your fill today," Saevel turned Maxwell around and shoved him towards the portal with a laugh. "Go see your sister! I'm sure she misses you too."

Maxwell turned back and gave him a goodbye kiss before he took a deep breath. His fingers dragged through the liquid portal, his senses boosting as the shocking cold ripples against his skin. He entered the portal and his vision was filled with nothing but white.

A wave of electric shock passed through him, dizzying him, before he collapsed onto his bedroom floor, eyesight blurry and doubled. Disoriented, he clung to the carpet that smelled like home... If home smelled like barbecue and the raw ocean.

"I'm... I'm home." he uttered, blinking a few times. He shuffled to his feet and turned around. Saevel was looking at him through the portal, an excited smile on his face as he waved coyly.

"Idiot," Maxwell muttered with a laugh. He rushed out of his room upon hearing a deafening screech from outside the house.


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