Chapter Ten

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"So you and my brother, huh? After that little stunt he pulled this morning." she spoke after taking a swig of her soda, glaring at the back of Maxwell's head.

"Don't act like I didn't hear that. Unlike you, I actually like silent drives." Myra groaned and leaned over the console between the two front seats.

She reached for the radio but Maxwell smacked her hand away from it.


The sky was already dimming. They'd switched drivers about three times already, and now Myra was fast asleep in the back seat. Saevel was distracting himself with his magic. "Continue forward for two miles, then turn left onto US-26 East." the GPS called out robotically. Maxwell dully rubbed at his eyes, looking through the rear-view mirror at Saevel.

The satyr was toying with a spell, one of icy tones and chilly winds that wrapped around his hand like a curious snake. Little flicks of ice rolled about the tiny storm. It looked like he was holding the origin of a blizzard right in his unhindered palm. The glowing magic illuminated the area around him, casting biting shadows among the car's interior. Saevel looked to be at peace.

"Having fun back there?" Maxwell said.

Saevel nodded silently, looking up to meet Maxwell's eyes through the mirror. The human looked back at the road and the silence returned. The atmosphere would be awkward if it weren't for Myra's obnoxious snores.

Saevel wiggled his fingers, drawing frosted pictures in the air. The particles melted after, for the wind was rushing in through the window so fast that they blew away. Maxwell spoke again. "Are you nervous?"

"A little. Satyrs are usually promiscuous drinkers and bards. They're all bawdy.. But I'm different. I worry about the smallest things. When someone relies on me to do something important, I panic. What if I mess it up?" He looked into the cold orbs that sat in his hand. He waved his hand upwards and released the spell, sending a winter breeze through the car.

"Dang... That's got some punch to it." Maxwell shivered vigorously at the magic. "Sorry.. I'm sure you'll do fine. Besides, you have us anyway. We may not be magical creatures, but we trust you. We're friends." Maxwell looked back at Myra, whose head hung low as the open bag of chips slipped from her hand.

"My sister's got some guts to come with us. Reminds me of Percy Jackson... A boy, a satyr and a girl." Maxwell let out a breathy chuckle, "Only this time, we're humans, not demigods."

"Is it okay if I tell you a story?"


"Okay. Well, long ago, we found a way to traverse lands and visit the humans. We ended up in the forest. Ethryn found us there and once he saw our legs, he thought us all wild animals.. I know it was foolish of us now, but back then we were clueless... He insinuated himself into our hearts, tugging at the strings. We fell for his charm. We were vulnerable."

"He stole the lyre and killed one of us. I can remember clearly, as I was only 2,000 years old and still young, that he sped off with the corpse of our kind. We retreated in fear."

"Wow.. It must've been pretty rough then, huh."



"The humans know Yewleaf Meadow as Worthen Meadow Campground. It's accompanied by a lake and a forest. The magic is in the lake, and when it's cast by the spell, it reveals Yewleaf Meadow. This is where Kawe and the lyre are held." Saevel's voice filled the silence.

Myra woke up only a few minutes ago, and now she was in the driver's seat complaining. Maxwell was taking her place in the back seat, sleeping soundly. Saevel was wide awake. He continued to ramble on like it was the first time he'd spoken in years.

"From what I saw through my gateways, the meadow is accompanied by a small village near the lake. It should be on the left of the road when we get there."

"We're still in Idaho, chill out." Myra grumbled.

"Sorry." Saevel looked into his palm and gyrated his wrist, whirling up the air around him into a little gust of wind. "I just... I don't know if I'm willing to do this. I mean, having you guys is such a big help and all.. But Ethryn is dangerous and powerful. He's a human mage, and the only way humans can control magic is through dark forces..."

He changed the air into little cubes of luminescent green, rotating and twisting in his grasp. "What spell is that?" Myra looked up through the rear-view mirror.

"It's a transmutation spell. Used for chemically altering ore elements into those more valuable. I have a wide variety of beginner spells from starting out at the Tesian college."

He released the spell as it diffused into the air. He clenched his fists and opened them again, a little ball of light sitting firmly in his hand. The light illuminated the whole car as it shone like a fallen star.

He cast it above his head as it rose and stuck to the car ceiling. It faded away, making the car silent and dark all again.


Saevel was finally asleep. His head rested on Maxwell's lap, hat on the floor by the human's feet. Maxwell toyed with the satyr's hair, twirling strands between his fingers as his other hand gently stroked along his horns.

"So are you two dating now?" Myra asked. Maxwell shook his head with a chuckle.

"I don't know... probably not. I don't even know if he likes me back." The human replied. Saevel shifted and nestled his temple further into Maxwell's thigh.

"Well... He seems pretty calm right now."

"Because he's sleeping." Maxwell rejoined.

Myra scoffed. "When you yelled at him earlier, he asked me if you really felt that way. He looked like a kicked puppy, man... Like he was betrayed." Her brow caved in, creating little creases in her forehead.

He didn't say anything at that. Maxwell's eyes flickered guiltily. He looked down to the tranquil satyr. His jaw flexed and he let out a frustrated sigh, eyes locked on the way Saevel huffed gently, his breath fanning over Maxwell's thigh and knee.

The satyr tensed under him, muscles bulging as he shivered for a moment. His hoof twitched, then stopped, then fully kicked the car door with a loud thump. Myra cursed loudly, teeth gritting.

"What is he doing?" she pressed.

Maxwell rubbed along his arm, trying to soothe the slumbering satyr. "I-I don't know, I can't read minds!" The tip of Saevel's hoof struck the side again, this time shaking the vehicle. Saevel stirred awake, eyes wide and frightened. He scrambled from Maxwell's lap, breathing sharp and fast. His hands grabbed for anything, eventually seeking purchase on the car door.

Maxwell unbuckled his seatbelt and scooched over to him, placing a hand on Saevel's bicep. The satyr panicked as he gasped for breath, "Get off, g-get off of me-" He smacked Maxwell's hand from his arm and shuddered.

He went into a hyperventilating fit, terror laced in his unfocused eyes. He cornered himself as Maxwell wrapped his arms forcefully around the satyr. Saevel paused at this, taking a moment for the warmth to sink in.

"That's. Enough." Maxwell barked.

Saevel melted under his touch, even if it was far from gentle. His hands unclenched and his legs ceased from thrashing. He sighed wistfully, eyes hooded with exhaustion and strain. "I... I had a nightmare. Ethryn, he.." he drawled tiredly.

The car filled with silence, and the occasional sighs of Saevel made the other two jump. Maxwell let go of the satyr and rubbed his own arm subconsciously.

It was a while before Maxwell cleared his throat. "Can you tell us what happened?"


"Your dream." The human looked up to him again, eyes widening.

Saevel was ridden with hysteria.


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