Chapter Eight

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The next morning was quite awkward.

Not only did Maxwell have morning wood, but Saevel was able to see it in all its glory and asked about it. "What is that?" His voice made Maxwell uncomfortably harder and he was on the brink of crying out. Saevel tried to curiously reach for it but Maxwell scrambled away before anything was touched.

Maxwell shuffled to the bathroom and took care of it before they both did something they'd regret. When he returned, Saevel was prepared with a plethora of questions. "What was it? Why was it up? Are you okay? Why isn't it there anymore?"

Maxwell felt obligated to tell Saevel about how the male sex organs worked, and through the blushing and stuttering, he managed to explain it.

"Oh. So it's like a lever? Why didn't you let me see it?"

Maxwell's blush spread to his neck and ears. His face felt like it was on fire by now. "UHHH- w-well, it's... it's considered intimate to show that part to another person, especially when it's... up." He covered his face with his hands and huffed.

"Ah," Saevel went red too, "sorry."

"You're fine. You didn't know... hey, could you check the time real quick?"

Saevel nodded and walked over to Maxwell's radio, looking at the digital numbers as if they were hieroglyphics or an alien language. "What's wrong?" Maxwell asked from the bed.

"I can't read it. It says nine... nine-one-two."

"It's nine twelve then, meaning it's really early in the morning." The somnolent human crept back under the blanket and nuzzled his head against the pillow. "I'll go back to sleep for a few hours."

"What about the mission? We'll have to get going soon."

Maxwell went quiet. "Just a few more hours, Saevel." Hearing the human say his name was shocking. Saevel shivered at the way it just tumbled off his tongue.


At eleven in the morning, Saevel shook the human awake. Blinking lazily, Maxwell sat up and saw Saevel, fully dressed in his clothes. Maxwell's muscle shirt, sweatpants and sneakers were covering Saevel's body, and his worn baseball cap covered his horns. He looked like a normal human... only with tribal markings and a knee deformity.

"Woah." Maxwell gawked at the once determined look on the satyr's face, now turned soft. "You look awesome."

Saevel grinned shyly, blushing. "Thank you.. Myra is downstairs. She threatened to spill her cereal on you if I didn't wake you up... She's scary." Maxwell rolled his eyes at this.

"That's my sister for you. She's a tough-love kind of person, don't let her get to you."

Once Maxwell changed and got ready, he met Saevel and Myra downstairs. As he arrived at the dining table, he saw Myra scarfing down some Reese's Puffs. Saevel was too busy examining the various foods they had in the fridge.

"Oh, Max. I wanted to know this but you never let me ask." Saevel shut the fridge door and sat down next to the human. He pulled the tied wheat from his knapsack and began eating, grazing it lightly.

"Ask away then." Maxwell was waiting for his toast to pop up. He sipped on a glass of orange juice while he waited.

"Was your penis, as you call it, hard because of something I did?"

Maxwell nearly spat out his orange juice. Myra erupted with a fit of screeching laughter, doubling over as her spoon tumbled out of her hand and to the ground. Her voice was high and loud as she guffawed at the blunt query.

Saevel looked back between the two, puzzled. Myra slammed her fist on the table and inhaled deeply, a wide grin on her face. "Ah-AHAHA- MAX," she cackled, "DID I MISS SOMETHING??"

The toast was ready. Maxwell hurriedly placed it on his plate, smeared more than enough Nutella over it and with a red face, he returned to the dining table. "That is not something we talk about in front of other people." Maxwell hissed, making Saevel lurch back with wide eyes.

"I.. I didn't mean to-"

Myra interrupted him with a tear at her eye, "You see this? This is pure joy-" she let out a sigh of relief when her fit ended. Though she giggled a little as she spoke, "what, did you have a boner or something?"

"Morning wood. It happens all the time, it's nothing intentional." Maxwell threw Saevel an embarrassed glare.

"I'm sorry." the satyr uttered.

"Oh c'mon, it's fine. Dont give us those sad puppy eyes! That was hilarious." Myra reached over the table and nuggied the top of Saevel's borrowed baseball cap.

Saevel's eyes watered and he tried hard to keep them from spilling. His heart clenched at the mere thought that Maxwell was angry with him. He didn't know what to do other than apologize, despite his beliefs that most humans were selfish and arrogant.

"I-I'm sorry... I didn't know. I thought it was okay to-... I didn't mean to make you mad." Through Myra's failed consolation, he continued to apologize. Maxwell silently ate his breakfast with a huff.

"Hey, he's talking to you." Myra waved a hand in front of Maxwell's face, making him flinch.

"Yeah, and?"

"You're hurting him! You know he didn't mean to say it. He didn't even know." Myra argued, sending her brother an evil look. Meanwhile, Saevel's tears hadn't been patient enough and slipped over his cheeks.

"Well if he weren't such a baby about everything, he wouldn't cry and actually get things through his head. I told him and he didn't listen!"

"All of this is really stressful for him! Obviously he's gonna cry because of the pressure! He came from another fucking world, Max! Not only that, but he's expected to bring back this artifact protected by creepy crawlies and you wouldn't cry from the tension?" Myra stood up and grabbed Saevel's hand in the process, dragging the two out into the livingroom and onto the front porch.

She sat Saevel down and used her shirt to wipe away the boy's tears. "Is that what he really thinks of me..?" Saevel uttered. Myra shook her head and took off his baseball cap, revealing his messy hair and little black horns. She carefully sat him down on the wooden steps, taking a seat beside him.

"Not at all. I know he cares about you. But when you bring things up like that, he doesn't know how to handle his embarrassment." she explained, "I'm mean to him sometimes. He's my brother for crying out loud, we're supposed to tease each other... But when he mistreats another person, that's when I get angry."

Saevel snivelled, hair falling over his shoulders. "I keep messing things up. I think you two should just stay here while I continue my mission."


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