Deep Blue Eyes, Mouth Full of Lies.

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As much as she hated it, Jasmine had to relocate to Milan in order to further her career as a writer. Alex had informed her that public appearances were important and he needed to be able to work more closely with her. So a month later, she left behind her peaceful cottage in the hands of one of her Italian friends, Sophia, and boarded a flight to Milan. She arrived at Linate airport at seven p.m and Alex was there to receive her, leaning casually against his Lamborghini and smiling in invitation. Jasmine knew that the guy was making a lot of money but the Lamborghini must have cost a fortune. She decided not to ask about it, though.

He executed a neat bow when she reached him. "Welcome to Milan, Jasmine."

She decided to humor him a little and dropped a curtsey. "Thank you, kind sir."

He grinned as he helped her load her bags in the trunk of his car and then opened the passenger door for her before strolling over to the other side.

"Wow, somebody's really chivalrous today," Jasmine murmured as she fastened her seatbelt.

Alex started the engine and it thrummed comfortingly. "Just trying to make you feel welcome. Give me a week and you'll fall in love." He eased out onto the road, the Lamborghini cruising as though it was flowing water.

Jasmine smirked and cast a sidelong glance at his handsome profile. He was glowing. The black shirt and matching tailored pants brought out his healthy complexion and copper hair. "With the city, you mean."

"Of course. What else?" He sounded innocent but Jasmine knew him well enough now to detect the undercurrents in his tone. His visits to Portofino over the past few weeks had revealed his deeper feelings for her but she tried her best not to lead him on. She had nothing left to give him or anyone else for that matter.

"I can't wait for you to meet Armaan," Alex interrupted her musing.

"Oh? Is he in Milan?"

"Yeah, he just flew in from Amira this morning."

She froze, her eyes glazing over and her heart clenching in pain. It was more than one year but she still felt that same jolt of pain whenever the past invaded her mind. She willed herself to relax, to breathe deeply and bit her lip to take her mind off the greater pain in her chest.

"I never told you this, right? The guy was born in Amira; that's where his family lives. But he spent a lot of time abroad in the States when he was in school and then he came here for college so he isn't very Islamic in nature."

She moistened her lips and remained quiet. Once, Alex had asked her where she was originally from but she had told him firmly that she preferred not to remember her roots and he had never broached the subject again. He had no idea that Jasmine was from Amira as well.

"Could you drive a little faster, Alex? I'm late for my evening prayer. Which hotel are we staying at, again?"

"Milano Royal," he informed her and increased his speed. "We'll have dinner there and then tomorrow, I'll take you apartment hunting. I've spoken to an estate agent here and she has a few places to show that you might like."

"You're sweet, Alex. Thank you."

Once they reached the hotel and Jasmine was shown to her room, she thanked the bell boy and entered the plush cream and purple interior of her suite, wondering if she really would fall in love with this city. Already she missed Portofino. She missed the sea. It did not matter that she had a room overlooking the river and the mountains. She craved the rawness of the ocean. Concrete jungles were not her thing. She sighed and decided to catch up with her prayers instead of standing there and moping. She had about forty five minutes left before dinner.

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