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Journey groans as she slowly moves up, stretching as Jeremiah glances at the rear view mirror. "Morning, kiddo." Jeremiah calls out. "Morning." Journey replies. "Sleep okay?" Jeremiah asks. "If you count laying down in an uncomfortable spot sleeping, then sure." Journey answers. "I'm sorry, princess. We'll find something soon." Jeremiah replies. "Will we?" Journey asks. "We will. I have hope that we will." Jeremiah answers. They both yawn. "Why didn't you sleep?" Journey asks. "I have a little sister I need to protect, and I won't rest when her life matters more than mine." Jeremiah answers. "Please. We're in this together, you and I. Till the end." Journey replies. "Till the end." Jeremiah repeats. Jeremiah then unzips his backpack and pulls out some cereal. "Here, get something to eat." Jeremiah calls out as he hands it back to her. She grabs it, "What about you?" She asks. "I'm fine, kiddo. Eat up." Jeremiah answers. "Miah, please. Eat, too." Journey replies. Jeremiah sighs. "I will when you will, okay?" Jeremiah replies. "Promise?" "I promise." Journey nods and begins eating the cereal while Jeremiah starts the car. "Any idea where we're going?" Journey asks. "No idea. Anywhere but here." Jeremiah answers. Journey nods and Jeremiah begins driving on the open, deserted road as Journey continues eating.


Jeremiah turns into the parking lot of a playground and stops the car, shifting to park as he takes the keys out of the ignition. "What's this place?" Journey asks. "It's called a playground. It's where kids used to go to play." Jeremiah answers. "Huh." Journey replies. "Let's go." Jeremiah responds, opening the door to exit the car as he removes himself from the seat. "Wait. Are monsters near?" Journey asks. "Nope, no monsters. But we're prepared if some will come." Jeremiah answers. Journey nods and she steps out of the muscle car as Jeremiah moves the seat forward. Jeremiah watches as Journey sprints for the playground as he smiles. He chases after her as she laughs of joy while entering inside the park and hides as Jeremiah seeks for her. "Where are you, my pretty?" He teases as he changes his voice, making Journey fight hard not to giggle as her hands restrain herself since they cover her mouth. Jeremiah turns the corner and finds her as she runs away and laughs while he chases behind her as he laughs with her. They run around the swings as Journey stops, looking at them. "What is it?" Jeremiah asks. "What are these?" Journey replies with a question. "These are called swings. If you get on, I can push you to where you go really high." Jeremiah answers. "I wanna try." Journey replies. "Hop on, kiddo." Jeremiah responds. She climbs on the swings while Jeremiah is placed behind her, holding the chains. "Ready?" He asks. "Ready." Journey replies. Jeremiah then gives her an underdog as she laughs and continues swinging. "I'm flying!" She exclaims of happiness. "Look at you go." Jeremiah replies. Jeremiah continues pushing her as she goes higher. She continues swinging for two minutes. "Okay. I'm done." Journey announces. "Okay." Jeremiah replies, slowing the swing down and making it come to a stop as she hops off. "How come I don't remember this stuff?" Journey asks as she faces Jeremiah. "You were born into this monster infested world. Believe me, if I could take you back to show you what it was really like to be a kid, I would. I want to give you a proper childhood, but this world has changed. It's been this way for years." Jeremiah replies. "I wish I could've been there to see what the world was like before this happened." Journey responds. "Me, too, kiddo. It was fun as a kid, and although I was growing up, I still had fun. I was only ten when the monsters came. It made me grow up faster than what everyone had hoped, but I'm glad I did." Jeremiah replies. "Why?" Journey asks. "Because it made me face reality and grow to be a survivor. I couldn't survive if I didn't grow up, and I couldn't protect you and keep you safe if I didn't grow." Jeremiah answers. "Am I growing up?" Journey asks. "Of course you are." Jeremiah answers as he kneels down to her level. "You're doing things that no kid your age should have to do. I'm teaching you these things young because I won't be here forever." "Stop. Don't say that." Journey steps in. "Honey, it's the truth. I won't be here forever. I'm doing the best I can to raise you right, to make you aware of your surroundings. I want you to know how to do things to survive. When you get older, you'll make decisions that impact you and others around you. You will become a leader others will follow, Journey. I know you will." Jeremiah finishes. Journey nods. "I can only be here for so long, Journey. And when my time comes, I know that you will make me proud. We're together till the end." Jeremiah replies. Journey hugs Jeremiah tightly as he hugs back. "I don't ever want you to go. I love you." Journey calls out as the right side of her face is pressed against Jeremiah's chest. "I love you back, princess." Jeremiah replies. They separate. "Come on, we have more things to play on." Jeremiah announces. Journey nods and runs over to more areas as Jeremiah follows behind her.

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