Till The End

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Two Weeks Later

Jeremiah turns and slowly opens his eyes, staring at the ceiling above him as he glances to the left to only see the sunshine beaming down on Clementine's hat. "Clementine?" Jeremiah calls out, throwing the blankets off of his lower body and standing up. He stretches and approaches the closet, grabbing a pair of baggy blue jeans and a black button up shirt as he places them on and beginning to buckle his belt. He clips his knife holsters on his belt and grabs his vest, swinging it on his upper body and walking out of the bedroom, closing the door behind him as he walks the hallways.


Jeremiah reaches outside and immediately notices AJ, Journey, and Willy playing with each other as they run away from one another, showing that they're playing tag. He smiles as he watches Clem laughing at the children, walking down the steps and approaching next to her as she glances at him. "Morning, sleepyhead." She calls out. "Morning." Jeremiah replies. "You must've slept good." Clementine responds. "Better than I have in a long time." Jeremiah replies, seeing Clementine smile at his response. They look away from each other and watch the kids play as Jeremiah shifts his hand to Clem's, interlocking his fingers as she does the same. "It's nice." Clementine announces, making Jeremiah glance at her. "To see them as kids again instead of adults." She finishes. "I hear that. Journey's only six, but she acts older. It's nice to see her act as a child again." Jeremiah replies. "AJ's birthday is coming up. He'll be seven. My little goofball is growing up fast." Clementine responds, only to get held as she rests her head on Jeremiah's shoulder. "I have to go on a run today. See if I can scavenge what's left of the town before it's picked dry." Jeremiah announces. "Just yourself?" Clementine asks. "Just myself." Jeremiah answers. "It doesn't have to be that way." A girl's voice calls out, making Jeremiah and Clementine shift their attention to Journey. "I could go with you." She finishes. "I'd rather have you stay here and watch over Castle Violet." Jeremiah replies. "Come on! Do you know how long it's been since you and I have gone out there? Let me come with you!" Journey exclaims. "Journey, no. It's too dangerous, and-" "Fucking bullshit it's too dangerous." Journey snarls. "Watch that tone." Jeremiah replies. "It'll be just like old times, you and me. You always said we were together till the end, why are you taking that away?" Journey asks. "I'm not, kiddo." Jeremiah answers as he kneels down to her level. "You always told me that we were together till the end. You can't break that now, Jeremiah." Journey says as Jeremiah glances back at Clementine. "Please. Let me come with you." Jeremiah sighs, looking down at the ground and then back up at his sister. "Okay. Okay. But always within my sights, no exceptions. We grab what we need, then we go. Okay?" Jeremiah replies, seeing the happiness in Journey's eyes as they sparkle. "Okay!" She exclaims, running back to AJ and Willy as they continue playing tag. "She's got you wrapped around her little finger." Clementine teases. "She's something." Jeremiah replies. "Don't feel defeated, AJ's the same way too." Clementine responds, holding Jeremiah's hand. "Think it'll go smooth?" Clementine asks. "I sure hope so. Not much left in town, but there was enough last time I went. I just hope nobody looted what I already saw." Jeremiah answers. "You'll be fine. I've seen you do numerous things that continue to amaze me." Clementine replies, looking up at Jeremiah as he grins and turns his head to Clem. "Is that so?" He questions. Clementine giggles and Jeremiah lifts her by her thighs, "woah!" Clementine exclaims, both laughing as Jeremiah sits on a leg of a bench as Clem is placed on his lap, both kissing. Clementine parts herself from Jeremiah's lips and places her hands on his face, feeling his sideburns as they stare into each other's eyes. "We need to start thinking about a future for this place and for the kids." Clementine announces. "I'm giving this place a future. I'm giving you a future, Clem. We're doing this together." Jeremiah replies, seeing Clementine smile. "What?" He asks with a grin. "Kiss me." Jeremiah let's out a chuckle, "I got a better idea on how to make our future." He calls out, both smiling at each other.

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