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Early Spring of 2021

As an older Jeremiah and Journey walk in the forest, they come across a main road, wondering what it leads to. "Should we see where it leads?" Journey asks. "Let's do it, kiddo." Jeremiah answers with a smile. Journey smiles back and they walk the road together, hoping it'll lead to something good. As they continue walking, they hear all types of noises near them, making them smile and laugh as it's birds chirping and woodpeckers pecking. "Race ya!" Journey exclaims. "Oh yeah?" Jeremiah asks. "Yeah." Journey replies. "Go!" Jeremiah exclaims, running ahead of Journey as she runs after him. "You're cheating!" She calls out from behind. "You challenged me! Eat my dust!" Jeremiah yells from ahead. Journey begins to run faster but notices Jeremiah has stopped as Journey reaches him, panting for air. "You gotta work on your cardio." Jeremiah jokes. "Fuck you." Journey jokes back, lightly shoving Jeremiah as he chuckles. "Come on. Let's see where this deserted road will take us."

Ten Minutes Later

The siblings have passed the end of the road and are now walking on a dirt path, noticing a corpse laying against a tree with a sign saying "Don't Fuck With Us" as Journey stares at it. "Should we really be going here?" She asks. "This is our only option for now. It's just a scarecrow, don't let it scare you." Jeremiah replies. "It's still spooky to have a dead guy laying still against a tree." Journey responds. "It's what scares people away sometimes. Well, not us. It's just a scare tactic." Jeremiah replies. The two are now stopped as they look at a gate in front of them with the letters spelling ERICSON ACADEMY. "What is this place?" Journey asks. "Looks like a secluded school. We could find a way inside-" "Stay right where you are!" A voice from a boy calls out up above as he aims his bow and arrow and the siblings. "Relax! We just stumbled across here and didn't know people were inside! We didn't mean to cause any harm or alert your people!" Jeremiah yells from below. "Drop your things." A females voice is heard from inside as she stares at the two from inside the gate. Journey looks up at Jeremiah. "Do as they say, okay?" Jeremiah asks. Journey sighs in defeat, removing her knife and her gun as Jeremiah lowers two knives, a pocket knife, his pistol, his crossbow, and his backpack. "State your business." The blonde girl orders. "My sister and I were just walking on the road that led us here. We were just passing through and didn't mean to cause any trouble." Jeremiah replies. "Who are you and what do you want?" Another female asks as she reveals herself. She wears a blue jean jacket and green pants with cargo boots on her feet. "My name is Jeremiah, and this is my sister. Her name is Journey. We don't want anything, we just need a home." Jeremiah replies. "That's asking an awful lot these days." The girl responds. "I know." Jeremiah replies. Jeremiah and Journey can now see more kids behind the gate as they all stare at the two outsiders. "We'll give you a moment to discuss the current situation." Jeremiah announces. Behind them, growls are heard as walkers are approaching the school. "Monsters!" Journey yells, making Jeremiah turn around instantly. He picks up his two knives and stabs both approaching walkers in the head and kicks one in the knee and stomps its head. "Let them in." A boy calls out, making everyone inside glance at him. "AJ!" The blonde girl exclaims. "We don't even know these people, let alone trust them!" The ginger girl steps in. "Then we get to know them and trust them by letting them in. They're capable of taking out monsters. Not to mention, they have a backpack with them, most likely filled with supplies." The little boy replies. The girl in the jean jacket smiles and nods. "Let 'em in." She announces. "Clem, are you sure about this?" A teenaged boy asks. "I guess we'll find out, won't we?" She asks. A long haired dirty blonde boy pushes the gate open as Jeremiah and Journey pick up their belongings and step inside, seeing all the faces of the kids staring at them. "Thank you." Journey says to the brown haired girl in the jean jacket. The girl smiles and nods. "You can stay for now, but if you're with us, you have to contribute." The girl calls out. "Whatever it is you need, we're here to help." Jeremiah replies. The girl nods in response. "I'm AJ." The kid introduces as he steps forward. "Hey, AJ. I'm Jeremiah, and this is Journey." AJ waves at Journey. "It's just you two?" An African American male with an afro asks. "It's always just been me and her. Well, until now." Jeremiah answers. "Well, welcome to Castle Violet." The blonde girl steps in. "Castle Violet? I thought the name was Ericson." Jeremiah replies. "We didn't take that down because we couldn't. Clem and I just changed the name about a year ago after everything happened." The blonde girl responds. "What happened?" Jeremiah asks. "It's a long story." Clementine steps in. "Come, I'll show you around." AJ replies. Jeremiah nods, "go for it, buddy." AJ, Clementine, Jeremiah, and Journey begin walking around the school as they show the new people their home.


Jeremiah and Journey enter inside their room, placing their belongings where they belong. "Ready for bed, kiddo?" Jeremiah asks. "Mhm. I'm glad they have running water here." Journey answers. Jeremiah chuckles, "me, too. Feels good to finally shower again." He replies, taking off his blue buttoned up shirt and removing his leather vest, revealing a white tank top as his navy baggy blue jeans remain on. Jeremiah lays his hair back as Journey climbs into bed as knocks on the door are heard from behind Jeremiah, making him turn around and walk towards the door, opening it as he sees Clementine on the other side. "Hey." She calls out. "Hey." Jeremiah replies. "Was it a bad time or-?" "No, we were just getting ready for bed." Jeremiah answers as he steps out into the hall, closing the door behind him. "I just wanted to stop by and quickly make sure you and your sister were comfortable. You know, since I'm the boss around here." Clementine replies. "We're fine, thank you." Jeremiah responds. "Was it always just you and her?" Clementine asks, seeing Jeremiah glance at her. "I mean, I didn't mean to sound like an asshole for asking that or sound rude, but what's the story?" Clementine asks, hearing Jeremiah sigh. "It's a long one." He replies. "So just a teenage boy and his little sister facing against the living and the dead. Sounds familiar." Clementine responds. "Your brother take care of you during the start of the new world?" Jeremiah ask. "No. I'm an only child..." Clementine answers. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up bad memories or anything." Jeremiah replies. "No, it's fine, really. It's just... I miss him. The man who took care of me when the world changed. He taught me how to survive, to cut my hair, to stay away from cities, how to shoot a gun, to not trust anyone who looked friendly. He taught me everything I needed to know about survival." Clementine finishes as Jeremiah stares at her. "Sounded like a great guy." Jeremiah replies. "His name was Lee. He died protecting me. He got bit... because of me. Because I did something so stupid when I was younger and it got him killed..." Clementine responds as she's almost on the verge of tears. "Why'd you let us in?" Jeremiah asks, seeing Clementine look up at him. "Because AJ was there, and because you reminded me of him." Clementine answers. "I'm nothin' like him. I've done things just to stay alive to protect Journey. I've killed people. Walkers. Animals. I've done the unspeakable to make sure my sister lives to see another day. I taught her how to shoot, how to hunt, how to skin and gut, not to easily trust. She's a handful, but she's worth every ounce of blood, sweat, and tears I use to keep her alive." Jeremiah replies. "And that's why I let you in. Because you know what you're doing out there. Hell, I still go out there, even in my condition." Clementine responds, making Jeremiah confused. "Condition? What condition?" He asks. Clementine sighs, sitting down and removing her prosthetic foot as Jeremiah's eyes widen. "It happened just last year. Before that, I wasn't bitten. AJ did it, amputated my injured leg to make sure I stayed alive. He made me this foot, but before then I was scooting around on crutches." Clem let's out a little chuckle. "He's not my son, but he makes a damn fine kid." Clementine replies. Jeremiah chuckles. "What?" Clementine asks. "Your last statement. It's how I feel with Journey. She's not my daughter, but sometimes I feel like she is." They both laugh at Jeremiah's response. "What's with that one kid? Louis is his name? Why's he so quiet?" Jeremiah asks. "His... tongue got cut out." Clementine answers. "What?" Jeremiah asks shocked. "Yeah. Before, he was so much. He would make corny jokes, sing to you, he would just do so much. Now he's so quiet. It's weird. I'm used to him chatting up a storm, but now it's like I wish I saved him to prevent him from losing what he is." Clementine replies. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked." "No, it's fine. You didn't know." They both stare at each other. "Well, I should be getting to bed. It's late. You should, too." Jeremiah announces. "I will. Just had to check on the new faces." Clementine replies. "Goodnight." Jeremiah responds. "Goodnight." Clementine replies, watching as Jeremiah steps inside and closes the door. She sighs and smiles, walking down the hallway as all is quiet throughout the rest of the night.

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