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Jeremiah and Clementine sleep together peacefully in her bed. AJ and Journey slowly open the door as it creaks, hoping that didn't wake them up. "They're still sleeping. We're good." AJ whispers to Journey. She nods and they enter inside, tip toeing in the room to avoid making the floor creak. They stand in front of the sleeping couple and begin giggling, making Clementine slowly open her eyes. "What are you doing?" AJ asks with a giggle. "AJ!" Clementine exclaims, awakening Jeremiah as she flies up with the blankets covering her. "What were you two doing?" Journey teases as she looks at her brother. "Clem and I were sleeping until you two woke us up." Jeremiah answers. "Before that. What were you doing here in our room? In Clem's bed?" AJ asks. "We were-" "Clem asked me if I could stay over because she was lonely." Jeremiah steps in. "Jeremiah!" Clementine whispers. "So it's true? You and Jeremiah are... in love? Like at the symbol back at the storage house by the river?" AJ asks. Jeremiah and Clementine look at each other and then back at the two kids. "I... I think so, goofball." Clementine replies. "It's Alvin Junior." He corrects. "No, it's goofball because you're acting like one right now." Clementine mocks. "Bite me." AJ snarls. "Hey, maybe someday I will." Clementine jokes back. AJ and Journey giggle to Clementine's joke. "Get outta here. Clem and I have things to talk about." Jeremiah calls out. "Is that so?" Journey teases. "Come on." Jeremiah replies. "Hehe, we had our fun." AJ steps in. The teenagers watch as the children exit the room as the door closes behind them. "Well, THAT was awkward." Jeremiah calls out as he throws the blankets off of his body. "Why'd you tell them the truth?" Clementine asks. "They're not stupid, Clem. They know what's already happening between us." Jeremiah answers. "It's only a matter of time that Journey and AJ become a couple, too." Clementine replies, making Jeremiah's eyes widen. "What? Hell no." Jeremiah growls. "Why?" Clementine asks. "Because that's my sister, that's why." Jeremiah answers. "Yeah, and I'm AJ's mother. He sees you dating his mom, he's gonna want to go to the Daddy's daughter." Clementine replies. "Did you just call me Daddy?" Jeremiah questions. "Yeah? What about it?" Clementine asks confused as her arms are crossed and her eyebrow is raised. "Just never expected someone to call me that, let alone my girlfriend." Jeremiah replies. "Oh, so I'm your girlfriend now?" Clementine teases. "I'd sure hope so." Jeremiah teases back. "Come here." She calls out as she holds her hand out. Jeremiah takes her hand and approaches her as she wraps her hands around the back of his neck, both leaning in as their lips touch. They continue kissing as Jeremiah raises her up to his lap as her legs wrap around his waist, setting her on the nearby shelf as Jeremiah begins kissing her neck. As he does this, Clementine's quiet moans escape her lips as she glances over to her hat that's on her left. The door swings open and AJ and Journey run inside. "Caught ya!" They both exclaim, making Jeremiah turn around to look at them as Clem looks over at them too. "Jeremiah and Clementine sitting in a tree, K-I..." "Stop! Go find something to do." Jeremiah exclaims, hearing the children giggle. "Get out! Now!" Clementine exclaims annoyed, watching as the kids run out of their room as their footsteps go distant. Jeremiah sighs, "I'm sorry about that." He whispers. "Just set me down." Clementine replies, feeling Jeremiah setting her down as she's now placed on the wooden floor. "We have breakfast out there just waiting for us to eat. Come on." Clementine announces. Jeremiah smiles and wraps his hand around her hip, exiting out of the room together as the roam the hallway.


Citizens of Castle Violet are gathered around the table outside, eating scrambled eggs and bacon as they all laugh together. "Mmm." Jeremiah announces, flicking his index finger and middle finger. "Come on." He says to Clementine. "Where are we going?" She asks. "We're going for a ride, darlin'." Jeremiah answers with a grin. "Let's do it. It's been awhile since I've been on a bike." Clementine replies. "Well, won't be for long." Jeremiah responds. They both stand up and walk towards the admin building, entering inside as they both see the bike. "I'll push it out. Just hold the door open." Jeremiah calls out. Clementine nods and holds the door open as Jeremiah pushes the bike. "Watch for the stairs." Clementine announces. "Yes, ma'am." Jeremiah replies, paying close attention to the upcoming stairs as he and the travel carefully trend down. The kids see him and the motorcycle and drop their mouths. "Gonna need that gate open!" Jeremiah yells. Willy runs over to the gate and waits for Jeremiah to ride over. Jeremiah starts the motorcycle and turns around to Clem. "Come up." He calls out. Clem nods and climbs onto the seat as she wraps her hands around his lower abdomen. Jeremiah revs the engine and drives towards the gate as Willy opens it, watching as the two teenagers ride off into the deserted forest.

The Road

Jeremiah twists the throttle of the motorcycle, causing it to accelerate faster as its loud engine is heard for miles while Clementine is laughing and smiling behind Jeremiah, having the time of her life as they continue to ride on the deserted, open road as everything flies past them. Jeremiah comes to a stop turns the motorcycle off, removing himself off of the seat after Clem. "God, I forgot how amazing it is to ride." Clementine says to Jeremiah as he smiles. "So what should we do out here?" Jeremiah asks. "Well, we're surrounded by forest. We could hunt or something." Clementine answers. "You know how to hunt?" Jeremiah asks. "To a point, yes." Clementine answers, seeing Jeremiah raise an eyebrow. "To a point?" He questions. "Nobody ever taught me, I had to teach myself just to put meat in AJ's belly." Clementine replies. "I could properly teach you, you know." Jeremiah responds. "Let's do it. I need some sun anyway." Clementine teases. Jeremiah nods and begins walking into the forest as Clementine follows behind him.


Jeremiah and Clementine pull into the school, turning the motorcycle off as Clementine swings the strap of her bag off her shoulder and places her bag on the table, revealing all that she's caught. "Not bad for your first time." Jeremiah calls out with a grin. "Well, I have a pretty good teacher." Clementine replies while grinning back. They passionately kiss as giggling is heard next to them, making their eyes turn over to see AJ and Journey giggling at them. "You guys will learn when you're older." Clementine announces. The two kids run off and Jeremiah and Clementine giggle together. "That was... awkward." Jeremiah announces as he swings his arm around Clem. "How so?" She questions as they walk together. "Seeing our kids laughing at us while were being romantic." Jeremiah answers. "I think it's cute. But it is annoying." Clementine replies. "Tell me about it." Jeremiah responds as they continue walking to the dorms. They enter inside and walk the hallways, approaching Jeremiah's room as they open the door to only see AJ and Journey kissing. "AJ!" Clementine exclaims. "Motherfucker!" Jeremiah yells, ready to charge at AJ as Clementine holds him back. "Baby, please calm down." Clementine says to comfort Jeremiah. "What the hell were you thinking?" Clementine asks angrily as she turns around and glares at AJ. "We saw you and Jeremiah kissing, so we thought about what it was like." AJ answers. "Stay the hell away from my sister." Jeremiah growls. "Why are you being so mean, Jeremiah?" Journey asks. "Cuz your little friend here is pressing his lips against yours, that's why!" Jeremiah yells. "We just didn't know what it was like and wanted to try it out." Journey replies. Jeremiah glares at her and then storms off. "Jeremiah! Wait!" Clementine exclaims, turning around and sighing. "Journey, could you give us some time? Alone?" She asks. "Sure." Journey answers, facing AJ. "I'll... see you later." She says. "Yeah." AJ replies, watching Journey walk away and exit the room. "I didn't mean to make him mad, Clem. I just-" "I know, AJ. I know. But you know how protective Jeremiah is with his sister. If you wanted to know about... love and all that, you could've talked to us instead of kissing his sister." AJ looks down and frowns. "Does- does Jeremiah hate me?" AJ asks, seeing Clem's eyes widen. "What? No!" Clementine answers. "He was REALLY mad, Clem. Madder than I've ever seen before." AJ points out. "Just... don't do that again, okay?" Clementine asks. "Okay." AJ answers in defeat. "He loves you, AJ. He's just protective of his sister, like how I am with you and how you are with me." Clementine finishes. "But I don't get mad when I see you two, uh..." AJ stops. "Kissing. We kiss each other." Clementine corrects. "Kissing." AJ repeats. "When you're feeling like it, go talk to him. Apologize about what happened with you and Journey." Clementine replies. "Okay, Clem." AJ responds. They hug and he runs out of the room, looking for Jeremiah as Clementine is kneeled in Jeremiah's room, sighing of what she just witnessed.

Later on that Day

Jeremiah takes watch, hand on his crossbow strap as he watches for any lurkers or strangers. Below, climbing is heard as he turns around, only to see AJ. "Hey." AJ calls out. "Hey." Jeremiah replies, turning around and staring into the forest. "Taking watch?" AJ asks. "Yeah." Jeremiah answers. "I'm sorry. About what Journey and I did." AJ announces, seeing Jeremiah turning his head and looking down at him. "I didn't mean to make you mad, I just... wanted to know what it was like to kiss someone." Jeremiah kneels down and places his hand on AJ's shoulder, staring in his eyes. "It's okay, AJ. I'm sorry I snapped, I just... have a thing with others touching my sister. You're forgiven, little man." AJ and Jeremiah hug as Clementine watches from the admin building, smiling at the sight. As she watches them more, she notices AJ nodding and they both take watch together, ready to defend their home at all costs.

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