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A Month Later

In the Forest, Early Morning

Jeremiah is crouched, crossbow aimed at his sights as he notices his target, exhaling and squeezing the trigger, watching his bolt quickly enter inside a squirrel as it's pinned to a tree. He stands up and loads another bolt into the flight groove, approaching the deceased animal and removing the bolt as he places the squirrel in his bag, noticing more squirrels, rabbits, snakes, and fish inside. He hears a stick cracking in the distance, making him aim his crossbow and glance around, looking for the slightest sight of an animal or a walker. More sticks crack as a deer enters his sights, instantly going for the kill as the bolt enters directly into the head. Jeremiah sighs of relief and removes the bolt from its head, only to get grabbed by a walker behind as it pins Jeremiah to a tree. Desperate, he looks around for a weapon as he holds the fierce, deceased, rotting monster back away from him as it growls and chomps at him. With no luck, he begins squeezing the adams apple of the walker as blood squirts out, forcefully ripping it out of the walker and slamming its head against the hard bark of the tree. Jeremiah pulls out a handkerchief and wipes the blood off of his hand, rolling the handkerchief and placing it in the back pocket of his black baggy jeans as he bends over to pick up his bag and crossbow. He glances at the deceased corpse as its head is violently turned to the left with its jaw hanging, spitting on the corpse. He picks up the dead buck and places it on his shoulder, walking back to the school.

At the School

Jeremiah enters inside as everyone is gathered around the table, glad to see Jeremiah back as he places the buck and the bag on a table nearby. "Jeremiah!" AJ exclaims excitedly, running over to Jeremiah as he instantly feels AJ hug him, almost making him lose his balance. "Hey, little man." Jeremiah replies. They part as Clementine approaches him with a smile. "Wow. That's a lot of meat." She calls out. "Impressive." Violet steps in. "That's what a good hunter does." Journey announces. "I've seen better." A teenaged boy rudely snarls, making Jeremiah glance at him. "Really, Aasim?" Ruby asks. "What? I'm just saying." Aasim replies. "Do we have a problem that I'm not aware about?" Jeremiah questions as he's annoyed. "Oh no. Nooooo. No problem here." Aasim sarcastically answers. "Aasim, what the fuck?" Violet steps in. "He's been out there for an hour and all he brings back is meat we've eaten before." Aasim responds. "Be fucking grateful that I brought back this much in the first place. Hell, we still have plenty of leftover canned food that I brought in a week ago." Jeremiah snarls. "Your hunting ain't shit." Aasim replies, making Jeremiah heated. "You better watch your mouth, sunshine." Jeremiah responds. "Oh yeah? The fuck are you gonna do?" Aasim asks as he violently pushes Jeremiah. Not even a second later, Aasim is on the ground. "Jeremiah!" Journey exclaims as the others stare at the scene scared. "Next time, I won't hesitate but to keep pounding your face in." Jeremiah threatens as his voice goes deeper and darker. Aasim stands up and approaches Jeremiah, only to get thrown over his shoulder as he balls his fist, ready to forcefully throw it down until Clementine stops him. Jeremiah lowers his fist and Aasim stands up. "Just get the fuck out of here." Aasim growls. "What?!" The others say shocked. "Aasim, we can't just kick him out!" Clementine steps in. "He's done so much for us!" AJ announces. "He's just mad because I brought back more food than he ever could in the spam of a month." Jeremiah replies. "Fuck you." Aasim snarls. "I warned you." Jeremiah replies, approaching Aasim until Violet steps in between them. "Guys, enough!" She says annoyed. Jeremiah and Aasim stare each other down. "Fine. We'll fend for ourselves." Jeremiah growls as Clementine stares at him shocked and with wide opened eyes. "Jeremiah! No!" She says. "It was always Journey and I before this. This crying bitch wants us out because I'm a better hunter then we're gone." Jeremiah replies. They all stare at him in shock as he turns around and walks to the building that leads them to the dorms. Jeremiah opens the door and steps inside as it closes behind him, fast walking in the hallways as he finally makes it back to the room where he and his sister stay, opening the door and stepping inside while it slams shut. He begins packing as the door opens again, only to see Clementine standing in the room. "What do you think you're doing?" She questions. "I'm leaving." Jeremiah answers. "No, you're not." Clementine replies. "You can't stop me." Jeremiah snarls as he looks up at her. He continues packing again and he finishes, standing up and swinging the backpack strap on his shoulder. "You are not leaving." Clementine says firmly. "This ain't your choice." Jeremiah growls. "Why?! Why do you have to fucking leave?! Because of what Aasim said?! Because he's jealous?! You are not leaving this room until you tell me why you need to go!" Clementine yells as she shoves Jeremiah back. "Clem, stop." Jeremiah calls out. She begins hitting his chest repeatedly. "No! Fuck you! Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you!" She yells as she slowly stops hitting him, only to cry as Jeremiah holds her. "Why..? Why must you go?" She quietly asks. "My sister and I are better off, Clementine. You wouldn't understand..." "Then make me understand. I can't just watch you go..." "Why?" Jeremiah asks, making her look up at him. "B- because I LIKE you, Jeremiah. If you were to leave and something happened to you because I allowed you to leave... I couldn't live with myself. I don't want you to go. I want you to stay, we need you, Jeremiah." Clementine says passionately as she's on the verge of tears again. "I need you... please, stay." She whispers as her and Jeremiah stare into each other's eyes. Jeremiah slowly drops his backpack and moves in a little closer to Clementine as she embraces his close presence. They both slowly lean in and connect lips. They pull away and stare at each other. "Fine. I'll stay. But not because I want to, but because of Journey. I don't want her back out there. I want her to be safe in here. So she can have a home, have a childhood." Jeremiah replies. "That's all I ask. I want you and her to stay." Clementine responds. Jeremiah nods and removes himself away from Clementine and walks out of his room as she follows next to him.

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