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Patrick has never been so glad for a Saturday in his life. He sulks at home, ignoring all texts and social media.

This is the first Saturday he's spent at home since sixth grade, he's sure. He can tell from the worried looks his mother gives him when they meet in the kitchen that she knows something's up. He grabs a bottle of water and heads back up the stairs, falling into his bed.

It isn't until there's a knock on his door that he knows she's sent Wendall up to check on him. "Come in." Patrick says, almost too quietly.

Sure enough, Wendall appears, a small smile on his face. "Hey." Wendall says, taking a seat at the foot of Patrick's bed.

Patrick rolls over to face him. "Hey."

"So. Your mom is worried about you. I'm sure you already knew that, though, since you don't look very surprised." Wendall suspects, and Patrick just nods, confirming his mother's theory. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Patrick's first instinct is to shake his head, but he refrains. Maybe Wendall could offer good advice. "Boy problems."

Wendall cracks a smile, kicking his shoes off and turning towards Patrick, bringing his knees up onto the bed and to his chest. "Boy problems. I've never had those, but I can try to help."

"Okay, so. There's this guy. His name's Pete. He's cute, or whatever." Patrick tries to play it off, as if Pete isn't his soulmate. Wendall seems to buy it. "Only problem? He's got a girlfriend. He's into me, sure. We've, uh, kissed a few times. But, like, the girlfriend is really messing things up. It's like he can't choose only one of us. He wants us both."

"Sounds like a grade A asshole." Wendall says easily, tilting his head to one side. "He wants the benefits from you and the emotional side from her."

"See, I thought that, too. But then he said he thought I'd sleep with him and leave him." Patrick explains. "That's not my intention at all, Dale. I really like that idiot."

"You'll have to give him time to work that out himself. Guys are hardheaded, that's one thing I know for sure. Your mother had to practically slap me in the face for me to tell that she was flirting with me before we got together." Wendall says, and a small smile makes its way onto Patrick's face. Wendall really does love Patricia, that's for sure.

"Thanks, Dale. You really did help a lot." Patrick says, and Wendall's straight white teeth appear at that as he smiles back at Patrick.

"Anytime, Son. Make an appearance downstairs at least once today? Give your poor mother a break." Wendall pulls his shoes back on and heads out the door, shutting it behind him after smiling softly at Patrick.

Patrick sighs, sitting up. He should find Pete. He should apologise and try to work things out.

He grabs his phone, texting out a message and sending it before he can delete it. hey, can we talk?

Pete replies almost instantly. come on. front door's unlocked. mom&dad r still gone.

Patrick stands, crossing the room to change clothes and jam a baseball cap on his head. He brushes his teeth and walks down the stairs, stopping to speak to his mother.

"Hey, Ma. I'll be back in a little while. Board games tonight?" He asks, and a small smile appears on her face before she nods.

"Of course, honey. Be careful. I love you." She says, and he's grateful he hasn't pissed her off for not being talkative today.

"Love you." He waves and walks to the garage, grabbing another random pair of keys. This time, it's to the Chevrolet Silverado. He knows how awkward he's going to look in this big ass truck, but he gets in anyways.

The drive to Pete's house is uneventful. He pulls into the driveway, glad to see that Ashlee isn't here. He takes a deep breath and kills the engine, getting out and walking up to the door.

Patrick doesn't knock, toeing his shoes off and setting them neatly by the door before he pass up the stairs. Knocking on Pete's door, he wonders if he should've asked Spencer for advice and is glad he didn't. He needs to be able to fix some things on his own.

Pete opens the door, and the first thing Patrick sees is his neck. There's a nicely sized blue bruise, right where Patrick had his mouth. Great. Pete is probably pissed.

"I'm sorry." They both say at the same time, and Patrick's eyes widen.

"Why are you apologising?" Patrick asks, scratching the back of his neck. Pete motions for him to come in and shuts the door behind him.

Pete falls back onto his bed before answering. "I was a fucking asshole. I accused you of just wanting to have sex with me and leave. I should be asking why you're apologising."

"I wasn't exactly the epitome of 'I'm in love with you' either." Patrick says before he can stop himself. Pete sits up on the bed and looks him in the eyes. "I didn't.. I'm sorry. I should go."

As Patrick stands, he feels a hand on his arm, stopping him. "Do you mean it?"

"Pete." Patrick says, taking a deep breath. Pete's eyes never leave Patrick's.

"Do you mean it?" Pete repeats, head cocking to the side.

"Yes." Patrick says, and he feels like a fucking idiot. He's probably gone and scared Pete off now.

Pete kisses him. So, apparently he didn't fuck this up. Patrick kisses back, hands cradling Pete's face. "I'm breaking up with Ashlee." Pete says when they pull apart.

"What?" Patrick asks, stunned. That is not how he imagined today would end.

"I want to be with you. I have nothing left for her." Pete says, and Patrick breaks out into an uncontrollable grin.

"Oh my god." Patrick says, hands cupping Pete's face. "This is the best day of my life."

"Yeah, yeah, kiss up." Pete says, playfully rolling his eyes. "Kiss me."

Who is Patrick to deny him that?

whoa has been a while my b

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2019 ⏰

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