Chapter 1

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   I've been called a lot of things in my day but my name is Kate Alegra Lopez and I'm from Iowa. I'm 25 years old I own a restaurant I have two sibling and two parents. My father in Cuban and my mother is Mexican-Irish. I was brought up with very hispanic roots my mother didn't really incorporate much of her Irish heritage due to not knowing much of it and my father he had trouble being able to keep in touch with his roots the longer he lived in the U.S.
   When I was 18 I left my house I was tired of being bossed around and having a 10:00pm curfew. I ended up coming home three months later but I didn't exactly expect to come back to what I did. Things had changed some for the better others not so much. My parents seemed to be walking on eggshells around me and my siblings seemed to have gotten closer as they were inseparable. I feel as though I changed as well too I tried to be more careful to what I said and how I reacted to what my parents asked me to do. I also saw the disappointment I was for them for not having a stable future so I began to work and work and when I turned 23 I moved to California and I opened Mama Juana's with a little help from the bank of course  but I paid it back real quick. Now I own a restaurant and I know my parents no longer have anything to worry about I moved out this time the right way with a real future ahead. What I didn't exactly plan in my future was Liam the new owner of the room above my restaurant

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