Chapter 5

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At the end of the day today it had to be the most interesting day to date based on everything that went down at the end of the day I offered to show him the way to my house which he agreed I waited for him in the front of the restaurant while he went to get his car and he followed me to my home. I know what your thinking I should be more precausious but I make it my job to be able to trust my employes even if I have only known them for a little while. Once we reached my home Tommy was already asleep on the couch with Holly holding him as she was asleep as well. Liam went up to Holly and told her she could go home now to which she handed Tommy off  to him and said her goodbyes and went home. Liam looked at me as if he was waiting for something.
    L- "where can I put Tommy down to sleep."
    K- "Ohh right there is a room up the stairs to the right then at the end of the hall their is a room with a crib it's usually used for my niece but you can put him in there."
    L- "thank you ill be right back i'll just go put him down." When he came back down I was sitting on the couch reading my emails. He came and sat next to me we stayed in silence for a while not an awkward silence but a needed silence. But I am not one to stay quiet for long and so I didn't I asked the question I wanted an answer to.
    K- "Who is she?"
    L- "she is Tommy's aunt"
    K- "What? Why are you running from her?"
    L- "well its a long story"
    K- "I've got time"
    L- "Well I lost Tommy's mom during labor we had been together for about a year before she became pregnant with Tommy but when she did she was so happy and so we decided to keep him. But when we found out it wasn't going to be easy for her to give birth and there was a possibility that she wouldn't make it we had decisions to make. But she was hell bent on having him. So we went through with it and she gave birth she didn't make it. Afterwards it was me who got Tommy but her sister didn't think I was a good match for it I was a kid in college without any money and she had children and a home but I refused to give up without a try. So she decided to declare me an unfit parent when the court ruled against her she got so angry that she threaten to get better lawyers to get Tommy so I got scared and I left everything behind and I came here." After everything he had told me I felt for him and I wanted to do whatever was possible to help them.
    K- "Well your welcome to stay here she will most likely never find you here it's a big house and I live here all by myself so I have extra rooms and I already have the nursery it's just changing the colors."
    L- "I couldn't possibly impose this is your house and I don't want to disrupt your life a baby makes a lot of noise and they take up a lot of time."
    K- "Thats okay I live alone and all I do is come home after work and on days I don't work I just stay home or visit my younger sister in the city."
    L- "I feel as though I have been saying this a lot but thank you and I promise I will try to keep it down as much as possible with Tommy and I will alsoy pay rent I don't care what you do with it but I will pay."
    K- "not necessary but deal" With that I showed him around the house and finally took him to his room where I let him sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2019 ⏰

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