Chapter 2

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  Liam let me start by saying this man is FINE like OMG hot. He moved in above the restaurant with his 6 month old baby 3 months ago. He is the most amazingly condescending human I have ever met. Yes I understand you have a 6 month old baby and I understand that they sleep a lot and need to be quiet but to call the police and threaten to sue my restaurant due to the sound instead of asking me to turn it down you really going to get on my nerves. That was the first month he moved in after that he began to throw away his child's diapers in the trash right as I am about to open my restaurant every morning and when the people walk by that's all they smell. When  I confronted him he began to talk about how it was his right and all that shit. But then the day came where his narcissistic ass had to ask me for a favor. To watch his Son Tommy (Most adorable baby ever) while he went out for a job interview.
    He didn't get the job he came to pick up Tommy an hour after he dropped him off I could tell he was desperate for a job with the way he came in. So I did something I never thought I would and offered him a job.
(K-Kate, L-Liam)
    K-"Would you like to work for me at the restaurant?"
    L-"Are you sure you want me to work here?''
    K- "Well I need the help and it seems you need the job"
    L- "Sure I'll take it what is the job"
    K- "Well what are you good at"
    L- " I took half a semester of cooking school before I had to drop out due to Tommy being conceived."
    K- "You could be one of the chefs helpers."
    L-"Thank you so much I guess I'll see you tomorrow.''
    K- "Make sure to be here by 8:00 am to get everything prepared for your first day" He walked away after saying thank you a second time. I can't believe I did that it's not something I ever thought I'd do. Can't go back now but can work towards making it normal. Well at least i'll know he has some way to keep income for his child.

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