Hello Darkness, My Old Friend

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Jo's head pounded as he stood in line, waiting for his envelope.

This Friday was payday which was half the reason he'd gone into work. The events of the previous day had left him weak and in pain, but he had also rested more than he could ever remember doing. His boss had been kind to him and assigned him to equipment maintenance, but he had still overdone it, judging by how his body ached all over.

He was next in line and when he walked up to the table, his boss paused.

"Stick around, Atwood. I want to talk to you after."

"Yes, sir."

That couldn't be good.

After the others had gone, Jo followed the foreman into his office.

"Take a seat."

Jo sat slowly in the chair in front of the desk.

"Sir, if this is about yesterday, I'm really sorry about that. I was out of it with a fever and wasn't able to call. It won't happen again, sir."

"Kid, in the 5 years you've worked here, you've called in twice. Yesterday makes three times. I know you're reliable. That's not what this is about."

He paused.

"How are you doing?"

"I'm fine, sir. I was a little off my game today but I'll be back to normal by Monday."

"Good, good."

He paused again, as if searching for the right words.

"You take care of some siblings, right?"

Jo nodded.

"How many?"

"Six boys."

The foreman's eyebrows raised.

"That's a lot of boys."

Another pause.

"Parents aren't around?"

"No sir."

His boss nodded and licked his lips, looking more uncomfortable by the second.

"I guess, what I'm trying to ask is...is everything okay at home?"

Jo frowned in surprise.

"Yes sir...?"

"I just...I've noticed recently that you don't look too good. I mean, you've never been burly, but you're looking almost emaciated these days. You haven't brought a lunch in months and you just...well...you look run down."

"Sir, if my work performance had declined, I'll do whatever's necessary to-"

"No, kid, that's not what I'm saying at all. You're one of the hardest working guys in the group. This isn't about your performance, it's about you. I just want to make sure you're okay."


Jo didn't know what to say to that.

"I mean, I have three kids and they wear me out even though my wife does most of the work. I can't imagine parenting double that amount, much less doing it on my own with kids who aren't even mine."

"It's really no trouble, sir. They're great boys."

His boss nodded slowly, making a "hmmm" sound as if considering how to proceed. Jo realized he'd have to give him something in order to assuage his doubts.

"I...we have a new brother. My mom showed up about two months ago and dropped off a newborn and took off again. It's just been awhile since I've taken care of a baby and I haven't been sleeping as much. He's a little colicky, but I think it's just a phase."

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