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"I'm over you and I don't need your lies no more
'Cause the truth is, without you, boy, I'm stronger
And I know it's sad that I changed, have a cold heart
But it was your game that left scars
Ooh, I'm over you

Don't call me up
I'm going out tonight
Feeling good now you're outta my life
Don't wanna talk about us
Gotta leave it behind
One drink and you're outta my mind
Now, now take it up
Baby, I'm on a high
You're alone, going out of your mind
But I'm here up in the club
And I don't wanna talk
So don't call me up"

Don't Call Me Up - Mabel

After hours of Olivia, tugging my hair, and clowning me out to what she said is her going 'lightly', we finally slip on our dresses and stilettoes. We both decided on a red dress, while mine is lace, Liv's is more of a leather. She wouldn't shut up about how 'hot' I looked, that she somehow, someway, convinced me to take a picture, yet she still wants me to post it on Instagram. By convinced, I mean forced! (Images are shown above.)

"Look, we can just save the picture. Why go through all that work, and post it on a stupid website that'll only get like ten likes. And may I add, all those likes are going to be from you and my cousins!"

All I get are nods the entire time I'm talking to her, while she types crazily on her phone. Wait a minute! That's MY phone! She finally looks up. Oh God! What did she do? I know that look! "Olivia?! What have you done?"

"Oh, you know just posted a picture of the two of us on your Instagram." By now, my eyes are probably out of their sockets. Snatching the phone from her, I read the caption: Devil's Bitches!

"Olivia! Why?" She snatches the phone back from me before I can delete it. "Oh, no you don't! This is one post that you'll never delete. Not as long as I'm still alive and breathing."

"Well, I guess I'm going to have to fix that then!" I lunge towards her, but trip over my stilettos. I grab onto the edge of my bed for supports before hitting the ground. She laughs but quickly covers her mouth.

"You know what? I don't care," Liar. "Leave the picture up. It's no big deal, it's just a picture. No one's gonna see it either way." I shrug it off, walking over to my wardrobe to grab my jewelry. "Really?" "Mmmh."

Another ten minutes pass of me contemplating if I should secretly delete the photo while Liv's in the bathroom doing finishing touches.

We make our way downstairs, careful not to accidentally skip a step. "Can you grab my keys, while I leave a note for Stacey?" She nods opening the front door.

Texting her is unless as the bitch always has her phone on do not disturb. 

"Umm, Zar, I don't think we'll be needing the keys." She calls out with a hint of a smirk in her voice. Signing the note, I tape it to the fridge and make my way towards the door. "What do you mean we don't ne-" Oh. 


"Dyson, what are you doing here? How-How do you know where I live? What are you doing here?" I didn't know he was going to pick us up. Let alone at my house. How does he even know where the hell I live? Wait! I don't wanna know! Levi, I bet. 

"Um, well, I uh, I thought that I, um. Zara, you look, Wow!" My face begins to heat up but disappears when he gets shoved out of the way by the godforsaken Levi Morgan. Why? Oh god! I'm going to cry! Yep, here come the tears of anger. 

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