glass delusion

81 9 15

April 26 2019 


I am made out of glass, I am translucent under the full moon / I hold a white dove in one hand and a crow in the other / I see the sea in indigo glory beckoning me in dreams, / I have the past scribbled in obsidian ink over my dull skin / calcifying, year by year I am becoming nothing / there is a thread holding me to this realm / a thread like faerie hair / pure like angel wings / the fates see me and I see them / I am the maiden and Death is nigh / the crow pecks at my lungs / consumes my flesh / the dove quivers in my palm / peace is not easy to come by / I clutch so delicately to her white feathers, angel on earth, / o, dove! / give me peace give me peace give me peace I mutter it all day / a madwoman's prayer / down the stream of consciousness, nothing makes sense / I am fragmentary / I long for the days in the dust / for now, I fear to shatter 


a/n: ok so the "glass delusion" is alluding to a 'psychiatric disorder' recorded in Europe in the late Middle Ages where people feared that they were made of glass and therefore likely to shatter into pieces like...Mood but also the power of the mind is wild huh. anyway, that was a mini history lesson. this poem won't make much sense to anyone but me and that is okay since this whole collection is basically a diary. much love 

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