I am more than my flesh and blood

80 10 7

July 14, 2019


when I say the universe, I mean God / 

when I say God, /

 it is I / 

the divine lies in the center of my plush crimson flesh / palms up, open, I am ready for divine mercy,

I watch myself fade away / as if in a trance, / in a beautiful dream / 

("can't I stay here? won't you let me stay here?" I beg, in a pitiful stream of teary eyed words, at nothing. nobody. it's always nobody. a chorus somewhere in the background chants: 

"unloved! unloved! unloved!")

 I cut a silver of my flesh away / so the light may peek out / melt away in the soil / 

I cannot be near you I cannot be near anyone / 

melt away in the sun /

 I am nothing I am nowhere / but a flicker of flame / 

girl burned alive, / girl-shaped void, /

girl playing god 

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