Chapter 4: Unless-

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Trever's P.O.V

I'm late, I'm late, I am so very late.

I quickly grab my bag out of my car and close the door as I head towards the door of the school, the class is starting in twenty minutes and we planned on getting breakfast together early this morning.

I walk up to the doors but in the same moment Beth rushes out the doors and pretty much jogs to her car, her eyes were filled with tears and she could barely breathe from the sound of it.

I quickly rush after her as she goes into her car and shuts the door. She doesn't drive away, just sits there. Crying.

I run over to the passenger side and open up the door making her jump and turn to me.

I slide in the passenger seat and only catch a quick look of her face before she turns away and faces the window.

Never in my life have I seen her look like that. Tears were running down her face and her entire face was bright red. Her entire body was shaking even.

"You really need to leave," she cries out.

Her phone buzzes which makes her turn to me as she wipes away her tears and holds her head up.

"Trever, you really, really need to leave."

"Beth, what is going on? Talk to me."

"Trever. Leave."

"Beth, I'm not leaving you here like this."

"Okay, Trever, please, I'm begging you, please, just get out of my car. Please," she honestly breaks down into tears.

"Beth, I'm your friend, you can-"

"You are not my friend anymore, leave," she screams at me.

I feel my heart crack slightly at her words. We had came such good friends over the summer. Who or what is making her say all of this?

"Now," she screams as she pushes me away from her.

Her phone buzzes again and she freaks out at this point.

"Fine, fine, fine," she screams before getting out and grabbing her things and storms away in a mess of tears.

"What. The. Litteral. Heck."

I step out of the car and quickly take off to the back of the school. No one is ever back there and if Beth is like that then I can only imagine that one thing happened.

I go to the back of the school and sure enough, I see all of my friends there.

"Gray, talk to us, what happened?"

"Beth broke up with you didn't she," I say suddenly making them all looking at me. Gray is so silent and even looks like he is on autopilot.

"How did you-"

"She ran out of the school crying and when I tried to talk to her she yelled at me to leave her alone."

"Crying huh? Funny, she looked just fine when she said she hated my guts and never wanted to see my face again," Gray says, before crossing his arms.

That makes no sense. Beth is one of the most loyal people I know. She would never just walk away like that unless-

Beth's P.O.V

I can't believe I just did that. I can't believe I just did that. I can't believe I just-

I put my hands on the rims of the bathroom sink.

I breathe through my nose and out through my mouth trying to fill my lungs with air but it only makes me more light headed. My phone buzzes again.

I grab another paper towel and quickly dry my eyes before looking up at the mirror.

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