Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Brendon had never been happier to feel sunshine on his skin and breath fresh air into his lungs than he was when they burst through the heavy wooden door and exited the dark, damp tunnel.

It had been a long time since he’d felt the breeze on his skin and while it was a hot breeze, being late summer, it was still a welcome feeling.

The wolves all shifted back and Brendon rounded on Grange.

“I told you I wanted to be the one to kill Farris.” he said angrily. Grange shrugged.

“You walked away from him.”

“Dammit, Grange….” Brendon ground out, his fists clenching. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed Dawn trying desperately to cover herself with her arms and he fought a smile. It was nice to see that while the world rarely stayed the same, some things never changed.

He slid off his duster coat, it was bloody, torn and stiff but it would do what she wanted done. Dawn smiled gratefully at him as he slipped the coat over her shoulders.

None of the other wolves were bothered by their lack of clothing. To them it was as natural to be nude after a shift as it was to breath.

“I wasn’t going to kill the bastard while he laid on the ground helpless.” Brendon argued as he turned back to Grange. “But once he pulled that gun he was fair game.”

“I saved your face and you’re welcome.” Grange grumbled, a grin forming on his lips.

“Looks like this place has truly been overrun.” Blain stated quietly as he looked out over the mountainside. Brendon followed his gaze and saw a small group of Hunters and guards running for their lives into the woods.

“Run, Hunters, run!” Trig exclaimed, laughing loudly when one of the Hunters tripped and a vampire chasing them leapt on him.

Brendon turned his head away, having seen enough of Hunter’s being slaughtered. In truth the Hunters weren’t the bad guys. The bad ones had been the Council and now they were gone.

“We can head back around to the front of the compound and go the Hunters quarters if the prisoners haven’t destroyed it. There are clothes there, food and beds where we can all rest a while.” he informed the pack. From the looks of the wolves, they needed some rest. While none of them were badly injured, they were covered in cuts and bruises.

“Food is the nicest word I’ve heard all day!” Trig exclaimed, his stomach rumbling loudly as he spoke. He came up and patted Brendon on the back roughly and Brendon’s sharp intake of breath had Trig jumping away.

“I didn’t mean to hurt you.” the wolf insisted, holding up his hands. “Please don’t hurt me back.”

“Shut-up, Trig.” Grange growled. “Take the shirt off, Brendon. Let me see what’s wrong with you.”

“Grange, I ain’t comfortable with another man asking me to get undressed.”

Grange rolled his eyes. “You are in my pack now, that means I’m the boss.”

“I get rid of one master only find another one?” Brendon questioned with amusement and Grange grinned. “I’m fine, Grange. Just a little bruised up. Now let’s go try to find a bed. I’ve been sleeping on a piss covered floor for damn near two months. I’m ready for a bed.”

The eight of them made their way back around the compound and through the toppled front gate.

Brendon led them into the compound, the walls in the entry hall bathed in dark red blood. He glanced at Ella to see how she was handling the scent of all the blood but she seemed content as she held onto his hand and walked beside him. Brendon was sure she had gotten enough blood in the last two days to keep the vampire satisfied for a long while.

Hunting the Hunter (Second in Lone Wolf series)Where stories live. Discover now