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「everything became meaningless」

weeks passed by as if nothing had happened between them, namjoon had pushed it to the back of his head and just kept it professional with seokjin, despite the omega's advances towards him. 

it was one of those nights where namjoon had to stay late in his studio, since he's in the middle of cutting a record, he rarely had the time to spend it with jimin and beomgyu but his husband was understanding, he's learned to adjust to it, with namjoon coming home in the wee hours of the morning, dead tired that he wouldn't be able to take his shoes off and just crawl under the sheets, pulling jimin by the waist and falling asleep as he inhaled jimin's scent.

"you're very handsome, you know that?" seokjin said as he looked up from his notepad that were filled with lyrics as well as doodles, meanwhile, namjoon was on his computer with his headphones on, completely unaware of what seokjin had just said, the younger huffed in annoyance as he got up, he figured that namjoon wasn't even paying attention to him. 

his eyes wander around the studio, landing on some framed photos on one of the shelves, he hummed as he approached it.

by the looks of it, it seemed like the photos were taken from when they were in high school and up to the present, one was from a photobooth, the strip was in black and white and featured a much younger namjoon and jimin "first date" was scribbled on top of the frame, it started off with just the couple next to each other, the second photo on the strip was namjoon looking at jimin as if the boy had hung the stars, and the last photo on the strip was namjoon kissing a surprised jimin. 

next were their prom photos, with namjoon in a black suit and jimin in a baby blue one , it looked as if jimin had yelped in pain because namjoon had poked jimin with the pin for his corsage and the next frame was them laughing at the mistake.

he got to their high school graduation photo, namjoon carrying jimin bridal style while jimin held on to his cap and a huge bouquet of roses were in his other hand and their college photo was a recreation of it.

seokjin's eyes, however lingered on a sonogram of their son at his 6th month mark, seokjin knew about what jimin went through and at the same time he knows that namjoon wants another child but jimin often shut down the idea of it "he's a useless omega i guess." seokjin thought to himself

on the end of the shelf was a photo of their small wedding with only their close family and friends.

on his wall, next to the shelf was some sort of chart, a height chart for beomgyu, with dates and written in different colors. 

framed photos were lined from the moment beomgyu was born, to his first birthday and to his most recent.

seokjin shrugged at those and turned his attention back to the alpha "take a break joonie." seokjin snaked his arms over namjoon's chest, this woke namjoon up as he flinched, taking off his headphones and setting them on the table, he turned his seat so he was face to face with the omega "seokjin, what are you doing?" the omega didn't answer but instead, straddled namjoon's lap and nuzzled his nose on to the crook his neck, as if locating where jimin had marked him 

"don't like it when you smell like another omega." he whispered, biting at his skin, namjoon felt as if he was frozen on the spot, his hands planted itself on his petite waist, gripping harder and harder as seokjin kisses his neck, he felt submissive when it came to seokjin, was it the way seokjin talked? his aura? the way his skin feels like it's on fire when his fingers touch him, even at the most subtle touches.

"i really shouldn't-" seokjin shushed him "you don't have to deny that you want me too." he whispered "i could be yours, i could be your baby tonight." seokjin whispered as his glossed lips came into contact with namjoon's neck "can give you more than your useless husband." as soon as those words left seokjin's lips, reality hit namjoon, a surge of both guilt and anger hit him "that's it, get off." namjoon pushed seokjin off his body, making the omega whine but still crawl back to namjoon "i know how sexually frustrated you are with your hu-" 

"seokjin, what is with this behavior of yours?" the alpha questioned, his tone became superior which just made seokjin want to lunge at him "i've kept my composure with you and tolerated it." he paused, rubbing his face out of frustration "seokjin, you know i'm married-" a knock on the door cut him off 

"sweetheart! it's me!" namjoon felt the life drain out of him while seokjin just sat back down on the couch, getting back to his writing as if nothing happened "baby!" jimin knocked on the door once again "don't say a word." he snapped quietly at seokjin "whatever floats your boats, sweetheart." the omega mocked, smirking.

"baby, it's late, what are you doing here?" namjoon asked as he opened the door "daddy! hi!" beomgyu waved, he was in his onesie pajamas with the hood on "hey champ! what a surprise!" namjoon lifted him up from the ground and kissed his forehead 

"jimin! hi!" seokjin greeted "hello!" beomgyu greeted before jimin can "am i interrupting something?" jimin asked, embarrassed about his unannounced visit "oh no no! i was just leaving, it's way past dinner time anyway." seokjin joked making jimin smile

"aw, if i had know you were here, i would have bought you dinner too." jimin pouts while seokjin puts his jacket on "it's okay, have a good night you three." 

"daddy! did i get taller?" beomgyu asked as he pressed his back on to his chart wall, jimin chuckled while namjoon checked, a green marker in hand, just in case he did get a bit taller "ah! you did! you're growing up so fast my love." namjoon chirped as he drew another line, beomgyu jumped around and clapped at the news 

"i'm gonna be as tall you daddy!" he cheered, namjoon kissed his nose "yes bubs, you will be." namjoon assured and letting the boy go back to eating his dinner "so, how's the album going?" jimin asks, sitting on namjoon's desk 

"pretty okay, finished actually." jimin nodded "that's good to know, then you can take a break again maybe we can even go to japan for a vacation, we haven't done that in a while." the omega said softly, tweaking with his ring 

"the songs are finished but we still have jacket shoots for the physical album as well as promotions and press conferences." jimin nods, disappointed at the news "well, after that, maybe?" he added, again, hopeful "we'll see baby, let's get home, okay?" 

i loved you ▶ minjoon #WATTYS2019Where stories live. Discover now