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[a/n: song for the chapter is someone you loved by lewis capaldi. enjoy darlings!]

「because i want to forget you but i can't, that's why i want to forget you」

news spread like wildfire and taehyung was getting endless calls from various media outlets to the point that he just left his phone on silent

"what have you done joon.." he mutters as he got on to his computer to keep track of the news, namjoon was nowhere to be seen anywhere in the building but taehyung had contacted him yet he didn't disclose where he was. he sighs as he finds out that there were paparazzi just outside the building hoping to get a glimpse of the scandalous couple.

"morning tae." taehyung looks up from his desk to see none other than seokjin, he had to bite his tongue as he wanted to explode, how could seokjin just waltz in as if nothing had happened "joon wanted to drop this off." seokjin places a hard drive on his desk "what for?" taehyung asked, trying hard to be polite 

"ah, some songs he finished, well, i'll be off." seokjin turns on his heels while taehyung stood up

 "doesn't it bother you?" taehyung asked, voice lowered "bother me?" seokjin asked, acting clueless yet he knows what taehyung meant 

"you broke up his family, jin." taehyung answered, short and simple "i woke up to my husband telling me that jimin had called him late at night to help him settle papers, seokjin, he's filing for a divorce and it's only been a week, it broke him that much." taehyung explains, hoping to get through the omega

"wow, he works fast, he barely let namjoon explain and now he wants to get a divorce." seokjin feigns disappointment and it made taehyung's blood boil, of course jimin wasn't going to listen to namjoon after he found out, not only from the media which is probably the worst case scenario but he also found out from his child, his innocent little beomgyu being exposed to his father's infidelity 

"i don't know how you sleep at night knowing you caused 2 children to grow up fatherless." seokjin raises a brow "namjoon clearly wants it, where do you think he's staying at?" his response just made taehyung's jaw drop "if it were up to me, i would have terminated your contract here." he says through gritted teeth, seokjin was unaffected and just blew a kiss at him "but unfortunately, it's not up to you."

jimin had been terrified of leaving his best friend's apartment as he didn't want to be followed by paparazzi or fans of the singer but he had to go out for today since he had scheduled a check-up since he has been getting bizarre flu-like symptoms, he doesn't know if it was from the stress or the sudden change in environment or if it was from his omega yearning for his alpha

the omega had to have his hood up as well as a face mask to conceal himself, he didn't have his car with him so he had to take the train which only increased his anxiety, jungkook wasn't able to drive him since he couldn't leave work and jimin didn't want to bother yoongi who just got home from taking beomgyu to school, he knows yoongi's energy levels were low from being pregnant

he was sitting close to the door, just so he won't miss his stop, he had his earphones in, wanting to block out any noise in the train, he was unaware that a pair of girls had actually recognized him, he was too focused on looking at his phone's map that he yelped when he felt the back of his head being hit, he looked up to see girls, one at each side 

"m-may i help you?" jimin stutters, scared as to what did they want "you can't hide jimin, your stupid face is plastered all over the news." she snarked, tugging down his hood and mask, exposing the disheveled omega 

"no wonder namjoon cheated on you." the other one laughs menacingly "please leave me alone." jimin's heart rate was beating at a dangerous rate as he tried to stand up, only to get pushed back down into the seat "namjoon would be better off with seokjin, atleast he's talented and famous, someone at his level, unlike yo, just some dowdy house husband."

jimin had pushed past them but he didn't get away from them fast enough when one of them had shoved him on to the floor of the train and that's when jimin heard what seemed like to be a pop, his eyes widen as the sound came from his body 

"get the fuck out of here!" he hears a woman yell and shoo the girls away before helping jimin up "are you okay?" she asked, dusting off the dirt that may have clung to his hoodie 

"i- i-" jimin was in shock when he feels his light-wash jeans dampen with bright pink fluid "oh my god." the woman gasps when she realized that jimin is pregnant, people had started to murmur and some had been kind enough to inform the conductor to pull an emergency stop at the nearest station 

"deep breaths, we can't have you get a panic attack." the woman instructs, trying to calm jimin for the sake of the unborn pup "we're getting there, just keep breathing, okay?" 

she did breathing exercises with the omega, up until she can feel his heart rate get back to a fairly normal state but it had been too much for jimin who had been under extreme stress and the omega passes out just seconds away from the station.

・゚゚・*。: *゚ *: ✼ ✿ ✿ ✼ : *゚*:。*・゚゚・ 

namjoon didn't think twice of running inside the hospital without anything concealing his identity, he felt his heart drop when a call came in from an unknown number, thinking it was another media outlet, he was ready to hang up but he had an inkling that this call needed to be answered and he was glad he did since it was a person from a hospital staff, informing him that jimin had been admitted into their care.

he was stopped by the nurse doing rounds just as he got to jimin's supposed room "sir, you can't go in there yet." he blocked the door and namjoon just growls "what do you mean i can't go in there? my husband is in there! this is bullshit!" the alpha shouts, trying to fight with the nurse

"the doctors are with him sir, so i suggest you take a seat." namjoon can hear the exhaustion in his voice and he sat down onto the plastic chairs "thank you for complying, they'll be out in a bit." namjoon buries his face into his hands, their baby was only 3 months in, their little chanmi is in such a sensitive term. 

namjoon would never forgive himself if something had happened to jimin and chanmi, knowing it was his faults that caused chaos to happen, he didn't want her to be torn away from their life, he still wanted to meet her, he still wanted jimin to hold her, for beomgyu to protect her.

his body shot up from feeling a pat on his shoulder, he immediately wipes his tears away "i assume you're the husband." the doctor sat next to him, handing him a list of medicines jimin would be needing

"is he.. is he okay? are they okay? what happened?" namjoon asks, the doctor nods "he's stable, they're both stable." namjoon lets out a breath of relief at the new 

"from eye witnesses, he had been harassed in the train but what caused him to go into bleeding was the immense stress which must have shifted his hormones, you're free to see him but keep him calm, he's asleep for now and it'd be best to keep it that way, his body needs to regenerate from the trauma." namjoon thanks the doctor before he entered jimin's room. 

jimin was laid flat on the bed, eyes close, pale, chapped lips hooked on to him was a canula for oxygen as well as an i.v drip to make sure he doesn't get dehydrated 

"this is all my fault." namjoon crashes into the chair next to the bed as he held on to jimin's hand tightly "this is all my fault jimin." tears had fell into the omega's arms as namjoon cried uncontrollably 

"chanmi, i hope you're okay in there.." namjoon whispers on to the omega's bump "i love you so much, i love you and your mommy, fuck. i fucked up, little one, i fucked up and it caused me to lose your mommy and brother." namjoon poured out and he feels jimin squirm, turning to his side, hand slipping away from namjoon's, it was as if jimin can sense that he was there.

i loved you ▶ minjoon #WATTYS2019Where stories live. Discover now