Chapter 8

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Today we supposed to be going to the beach and it like 5:30 and everybody is here packed and stuff we figure out that we was going for two days

Me and Jaida are still arguing but now we barely speaking unless someone around and im just chilling my waiting for her to say something cause I said what i said.

"Nya hurry up" Devon pulled my arm

"Bro get off of me" i snatched my arm away

He let go and threw his hands up "my bad feisty what wrong" he asked

"Im cool just grabbed me to hard" i pushed pass him but honestly that tiggered me cause some shit that happened in my past

"Im sorry bestfriend" he pulled me in a hug

"So now im your bestfriend" i laughed

"Of course" he let me go and jai walked us

"Babe you coo"

"Im coo" she walked away

"What's is up with yall" he took my bags and started walking to my car

"Nothing she mad because i didn't tell her something i heard" i shrugged

"What you hear cause she aint gone be upset for no reason" he asked

"Niyah told me she was in love with me and i didnt tell my girl because i didn't feel no way towards the situation"

"Me and Malik knew it" he said

"But dont tell him cause lord knows what will happen" i sighed "but she mad that i still hang with her like im not gone stop hanging with her then she saying she crossed boundaries"

"She did with the way she talks to jai and the whole love thing and i know i crossed line but it was for fun and now im chillin niyah always gone act that way dont allow her to disrespect your girl cause then you girl gone feel alone and like you dont have her back" i nodded "i know you barely care but act like you do... Come on that girl loves you and you obviously love her so act like yall one before yall dont be together at all" he put my bags and my trunk and hugged me and kisses my forehead

He walked to Malik car and i got in mine and Jai was staring out the window

"Baby you sure you okay" i asked backing out the driveway

"Baby do you like him" she asked

"Devon" she nodded "no we just bestfriends nothing more"

"Well tell me when he tell you h love you" she said sarcastically

"Baby i apologize about that okay"

"Baby why do you feel like its okay for her to disrespect me"

"That shit not cool and i know i just dont be realising how much it hurt you that i dont speak up but you be winning the argument so i be chilling" i laughed

"Babe you dont have to stop hanging with her just i dont even know" she sniffled

"Baby liaten im gone chill on being around her by myself and all that other shit and you can be around i mean like baby don't cry" i rubbed her thigh

"Im dont even know how to feel babe" she she cried "she was here longer then me and yall have a different type of relationship i only been here for 10 months she been here your whole life"

"Yes we do have i different relationship she is my friend you are my bitch" she looked at me "my fault my wife" she laughed a little

"I like the way the sound" i looked at her with my face balled up

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