Chapter 24

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So right now we are packing the cars to go to the airport because we leave for California today it is June 29th and I'm so ready Jai is being very quiet I don't know I think she embarrassed but I don't got time for all the dramatic stuff either you want to go or not you want to be social and have fun or not I'm not kissing your butt I'm just going to have fun and that's about it

" we could put all the bags in one car and then I can drive that car to the airport" Von said

" wait by yourself you don't want nobody to ride with you" i said

" it don't matter but I did want you to ride with me and if you want to we can put all the bags in your car and then I could drive the car or you could drive it don't really matter as long as we get there cuz we sitting next to each other"

" didn't Mr Lotus send us a private jet" i nodded

" yeah my mom said she going to do this because she didn't take me to Bora Bora with her and the kids"

" I'm so glad we don't have to pay for plane tickets cuz I could buy more food" Aniyah said

" I could ride with Devon" Jai offered

" no we just going to ride together" Von pulled me to him

"Okay but lets go"

Everybody bought their bags to my car and put them in and me and Von got my car Malik and jai and Aniyah got in his car and we pulled off

" are you still mad at jai" Von asked me

" I was never mad at her but I was going to let her hit you because she's a girl your my man and I will beat her up" i said

" just like that" he smirked

" just like that" i said

" when I move you move just like that" we song

"But for real i wanted to talk to you because i really been thinking about this and we can wait but do you wanna have a kid" he asked

"I mean i do want my own kid or kids but im still in the middle of raising the ones i got" i said

"The are older now and your mom is really stepping up and you dont have to worry about them and they are your brothers and sister they are no yours and i have mad respect for your mindset but i think you scared your mom gone repeat the same mistake that's why you so attached"

"Im not i just want them to know they have somebody" i shrugged

"Because you feel like your brother didn't know that" he looked at me

"I don't know" i sighed "but i understand and i agree with your statement and if we have a baby im cool with that just dont force it" i smiled

"Okay" he smiled back and pulled off "hey... I dont wanna pressure you into anything cause it your body" he put his hand on my leg

"Trust me if i didnt wanna do it we wouldn't" he laughed and shook his head

"I love you"

"I love you too" i kissed him

He pulled up to the plane and we hop out and the people got our bags and we got on the jet and i went straight to the master room

"Its a 5 hour im going to sleep" i said

"Okay" Jai hopped in the bed near the door

I walked in the back and laid down and Von soon came in the room

"You okay" he laid next to me and kissed me

"Yeah just a little sleepy it is only 8 am and you know i sleep til 2 or 1" i stared in his eyes "i miss Rha and them" i sighed

"Stop worrying about them and have a great time with me i know they cool" he pulled me into his arms and he smell so good

"Babe go close the slider" i asked and he got up and did it and jumped on top of me

"Ouch.. Von move"

"Nope" he started kissing me

"No don't kiss me" i laughed and he started tickling me "stop i finna pee myself" i yelled

"Give me a kiss" he stopped

I kissed him and he deepen the kiss

"No sex for you tickle monster" i laughed and got up and he back me up to a corner "what" i looked up at him

"Come here" he pulled me to him "i need some loving baby" he rocked us back and forth

"No sex" i said

"Im not talking about sex but why no sex" he said

"Im on my period for 2 more days" he rubbed my back

"Why you aint been say that" he kept rocking

"I don't i just don't like to talk about it"

"Well we both grown and we know it's normal and i could've giving what you need" i laughed

"Im not on bed rest im just on my period Von" i laughed "i can do for myself"

"I know but i want to do for you" he kissed me

"Mhmm" i started to fall to sleep in his arms

"Babe don't fall to sleep while you standing" he stopped rocking

"I wasn't" he laughed and pulled me to the bed and i laid down "come lay with me baby" he opened the slider and went out and came back with some food snacks and laid with me

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