Chapter 18

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Theres was a knock at my door and I groaned and went downstairs and got it

"Why you here" i looked ari up and down in disgust

" listen I know you are upset but can you please hear me out" she sighed


" I'm pregnant" she said

" okay it with that got to do with me I don't got no dick"

" I just came over to apologize for the night because I do love you and I do want to be with you and I didn't mean to do it I was just drunk" she started fumbling out words

" you always drunk what is new" she was took back by me words

" why you talkin to me like this you never talk to me like this if that's the reason I love you please do not talk to me like this" she put her hand out in a calming motions

" this how I talk to hoes so what do you want" she shook her head and wiped her eyes

" I just want to say I'm sorry please take me back I know I'm pregnant but please we can make this work I could give the baby up for adoption I'm so sorry" she broke down crying and i rolled my eyes

" get your dumb ass up I don't care that you do all of that I really don't so save the show for somebody else why did you really come here" i shook my head

" please stop being so heartless I'm sorry I really mean it I am sorry you made me the happiest I've ever been in my life I don't know what came over me I don't know what made me cheat on you but I need you back" she kept crying

" heartless heartless is when I caught you kissing him and then you want to act like you care but then you still left with him and slept with him matter fact that's not even heartless that's just some hoe stuff maybe a little both" i laughed " listen I've been doing this all before actually is the same as I think she left with a Nigga in the Club she got pregnant and then she came back begging cuz she knew I had the money to take care of the kid cuz the father didn't want to be with her so I heard this all before so you can see the bullshit for somebody else and you can get off of my doorstep really bye" i was about to close the door but she stop me

" he kicked me out he doesn't want to be with me I have nowhere to go please help me he beat me up and everything look" she took off her sun glasses and had i big ass black eye

"Damn" i laughed " he fucked you up that's what you wanted to leave me for girl go ahead I am so proud of you but I ain't got nothing for you sorry to tell you that" i shrugged

" you are so cold-hearted" she cried and shook her " please you're the only person I trust you're the only person I have"

" mmm... no you had you get it with the D the key word is had as in past tense which is to never happen again cuz that was history that's going to stay history I'm not dipping back in the same sauce somebody double dipped in no I'm cool listen it is shelters all around here they will be more than happy to help you they get paid with taxes I don't you see what I'm saying I get paid for taking care are my brothers and sister I put food in the house with the money that I get paid so that would be extra money for you to come live with me and I'm not having it you're not worth my money so no" i closed the door

"Who was that girl crying in my drive way" my mom walked in

" an ex-friend well you know what I mean she pregnant by the guy she cheated on me with he has been hitting her stuff and she got nowhere to stay so she came here looking for a place to stay if that's not happening I'm not spending my money on her she's not worth it she not worth a penny if you ask me"

" I don't care how mad you are do not block your blessings that was a blessing waiting to happen you never know when you will need a blessing go tell her she could stay here I will pay money myself for her but you will not I raised you better than this if I didn't raise anybody else I raised you"

" how about you go get herand you over here and I don't got nothing to say to her you tell her you're going to pay her you tell her that you're going to help her take care of her baby you go tell her that weirdo" i walked upstairs

All the time that she never had my back she could have had my back this one time that girl hurt me and you just going allow her in this house like that's how I feel right now am I a monster am I such a bad person like why do everybody keep hurting me why is everybody against me why do this world not like me what did I do so wrong I didn't do anything she keep talking about blessings what blessings I see no blessings coming all the good I did in my life taking in my brothers and sister and I never got repaid for that I never got repaid for giving homeless people $20 $30 I never got repaid so I'm not trying to hear anything about no blessings it is me on this Earth by myself and that's it all I got is me and my brothers and my sister

I heard them downstairs talking and i just locked my door and laid down and went to bed

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