Chapter 15

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~3 months

Me and Aniyah haven't haven't talked since the graduation cookout. But I'm not going to sweat her cuz I feel like it's weird that you and her are friends but when I was going out with her you did everything for me to stay away from her and now you want me to talk to her cuz it's on your terms no I'm not going to do that I don't want to speak to her I don't want to speak to you the only two people around me that I have right now is Malik and von and that's all I need how I start off with y'all too but now it's just me and them.

"Rha come so i can take the picture" i yelled

"Hold up im tying shoe" i took a picture and he finished and i took more

We started walking down the shore

" so you and Aniyah still friends or no" he licked his ice cream

" no I'm completely done with her cuz first of all I'm going to tell you this because I feel like you're old enough now she told me she was in love with me while I was going out with my last girlfriend so now that me and my ex had broken up now they best friends I think she doing that for some Revenge shit but one thing she don't know I will kill that hoe cuz I already owe her a ass whooping for showing her ass at your graduation cookout" i explained

" when she tells you she was in love with you" he look at me confused

"She told me when me and jai we still going out and we was just having this big argument about von and I told her like you got to respect her or we cant be friends and why is it such a big deal to you..." I pause and looked at him " and she goes like I loved you so I'm like I love you too or whatever then she like that not like that I'm in love with you then I was like I love you but I don't love you like that that's how it happen"

" but it wasn't her in Malik going out for a year now well that's what you told me" he asked

" yeah they was but I never told him I think unless it was out of anger and I don't remember because I say a lot of stuff when I'm angry" i shrugged

" she is weird like and Jai weird to I feel like she's weird too because why you hanging out with her she literally told you well told your girl that she wanted to take her from you cuz she in love with her like that's weird you're her friend now bitches is dippy no kid excuse my language but it's true" i nodded

" I don't care if you curse I'm going to start acting more like your sister especially since Mom been around but still have respect for me cuz you know I will knock you to fuck out" he nodded

" speaking of mom being back more I think her and my dad going to get a divorce" he shook his head

" why you say that" i stopped and looked at

" they just been arguing so much lately and he's like I don't want Kam to hear it or Corey so I just take them in my room but he was talking about how she cheated with him on your dad and then she turned around and cheated on him with the next baby dad" he shook his head

" wait she pregnant again" he shrugged

" I won't doubt it but I won't involve myself in it because the one that will only stress me out and then I'm going to have to pick sides when neither of them really been there for me and I don't want to make the wrong choice so I just stay where I stay I'm on my business and I'll do what I got to do" i nodded

" your dad is a good man so I hope mom get it together and they work whatever they got going on out"

" whatever happens happens I mean I can't change what happens is not my business to change so I don't really care I'm not going to sit around and complain about it like you always say why Keep complaining when we can't change it deal with it and shut the fuck up"

Sometime i question the way i raised them but i did my best...

4 hour~

"Von stop playing with me who was that texting your phone that's all I'm asking that's why I haven't talked to you for 3 days you're not about to play me my guy"

" you pushing it like it's not that serious I wasn't texting nobody that concerns you they barely concern me"

" don't do that don't do that please don't do that I will fuck you up in this room" he laughed

" are you not going to do nothing you just making a big deal out of this you don't want me to be your niggga you told me you're not ready for a relationship I told you I was so now that I'm trying to get in a relationship with somebody else now what's the problem you didn't want me remember you so cold hearted remember you not ready those were your words not mine" he snapped

" I'm not cold-hearted stop calling me that"

" yes you are you hurt people feelings and you hurt people around you with no remorse you're cold hearted that is the definition of cold-hearted you are the definition of cold-hearted so stop denying it cuz it's true you need to accept it and try to fix it cuz this I'm not doing this you didn't want me so don't want me now"

" where is this all coming from you never mentioned anything to me about a girl or wanting to be in a relationship for the last what 6 months we've been sleeping together I think I deserve it if I don't deserve nothing I deserve that because you are sleeping with me okay do you understand that yes yes yes yes maybe maybe" i said sarcastically " so what you telling me you found somebody that you want to be in a relationship with"

" I want to be in a relationship with you but since I can't do that yes I found someone whose willing to do all the things that you're not willing to do" i nodded

" okay what is little freak buddy I think we had going yeah it's over so you can let yourself out or you can still stay I mean I mean hey company is company but whatever we got going on is over I'm not going to be a side chick when I can have my own chick" i snapped and sat on my bed

" man it's whatever" he said and i laughed

" where is all this coming from like that's all I'm not asking for a million dollars I'm asking you to tell me the fucken truth" i sighed getting on my phone

" okay promise we still going to be friends" he sat on my bad

" it depends now speak" he sighed

"I wanna be with Jaida" i froze

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