Chapter 28

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"Okay Von" i sighed.

"Okay my ass it shouldn't have happen what if i let a bitch grab my dick"

"I didnt even know he was gone grab my ass"

"Well them hoe ass outfits is asking for it"

"I can where what want thats doesn't mean touch me" i snapped

"Here we go with this girl power feminism shit" he threw his hands up

"Fuck you... I wear this shit for you dumbass" i got in his face

"You wear that shit for everybody outside too im not fucking dumb and i dont ask you to dress like a whore in clothes that is too tight" he turned around and flopped on the bed

"Well sorry im so fucking fat and everything i wear hugs my curves" i yelled

"Im not fucking saying your fat so stop doing that shit" he yelled back

"Well stop applying that shit" i walked in and out the closet "you never had a problem with what i wore before"

"Cause you aint wear all this tight and ass out and pussy poppin shit" he tied his shoes

"I dont wear shit like that you idiot"

"You the idiot" he snapped back

"Whatever" i walked in the bathroom and closed the door and started crying

We have been arguing everyday since we got to Miami. This shit is so fucking draining and i am so unhappy in this relationship but i have hope it'll get better.

I wipe my face and put on some lip gloss and mascara and some highlight on my face just for i natural glow and i went out

"That shirt is ugly" he said outta no where

"You picked it out" i rolled my eyes cause he is just picking with me

"Well i didn't know it was going to be ugly on you" i sighed and changed my shirt

I don't understand but i need to get home and go to therapy cause i can feel the shut down coming cause he is playing with me im going to explode then shut the fuck back down

I walked out the closet and he balled up his face

"What now..." i drug out

"Nothing" he poked out his lips and shook his head "you ready" he didn't even look up from who ever he texting

"Come on" i walked out the room and Malik and Niyah was sitting on the couch watching TV hugged up "come on yall" i grabbed my car keys and left

"Where we going anyway"

"To Miami Seaquarium"

"What that a food place" Malik asked

"No its a Aquarium" i smiled cause i love aminal and the thought of all them sea animals made me extremely happy

"I told her dont nobody go to aquariums but little kids" Von complained but i ignored him

"Well it seem fun and i know she loves animals as i so why not" Malik said

"I love animals too" i said

"Yea so we out" he got hype "periodt" he did the cut throat

Ane i laughed and my phone ding

Why you being so loud and annoyin~ Von😍

I looked at him and he was smiling at his phone and it took evrything in me not to punch the shit outta him

I did the breathing thing Mrs. Olive taught me

"You okay Nya" Jai asked

"Yeah im coo" i drove off

~25 mins

We finally pulled up to the Seaquarium. We went in and i paid for myself cause at this point i dont know.... Von might bring it up in a argument

"I could've paid for you dont try to make me look stupid or broke" he walked up behind me

"You the only person who think like that" i looked at the animals in amazement

"Whatever dont do that shit again" he barked

"First off back up and leave me alone you are just tryna ruin my day im chilling and im not werid about you so bye"

"Umm hey" some girl grabbed our attention "Devon im not sure if you reconize me from instagram but i'm Hazel" i scoffed and walked do the alle with the whales

I touched the glass and a whale came down and kissed where my stomach was at

"You know they can tell you pregnant" some cute guy walked up

"Oh im not pregnant" i laughed

"Well they are really smart and can talk without words and that just amazes me" he talked with his hands

"I know i love sea animals... All animals to be exact" i laughed a little

"I can tell most people are scared to touch the glass some are scared to walked down this hallway" i laughed

"Aww why"

"Cause its like at any moment the glass will break is what they say" he sighed

"Well i wish i was a sea mammal" i looked at them go over my head

"It just seems so... So..."

"Peaceful" we said in unison and we laughed

"Hey baby what you doing" Von hugged me from behind

"Oh hey im her husband Devon but people call me Von" he stuck his hand out and they shook hands

"Well let me go found my daughters" he smiled and nodded at me and walked off

"You can get off me now" Von let me go

"Why you always in every nigga face"

"Why you always complaining i aint say shit when that bitch was just in your face" i walked farther into the tunnel to the shark area

"It was some girl from instagram" he shrugged

"Well y'all must of talked or talk cause i see motherfuckas i follow everyday and i dont stop to talk to none of the Goofys" i looked at the sharks

"She just was saying hey DANG" he got loud and people looked at us

"Get away from me" i walked away from him

I really dont know what his problem is..

"Nya whats up with you and Von he just left out with some white girl" Niyah said

"I dont know but im over this relationship and this vacation" i shrugged .

"Me too i wanna go home" she sighed

"Well we can go home and not go to new Orleans" i suggested

"That's cool"

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