Chapter 40: The Desolate Queen

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Read at your own risk. And you may keep tissues close as well.

AND AND AND!!!!! The awesome VayaVaitsis is writing a mafia trilogy of her own which is amazing already. Her first book is called "Believing In Fate". I've gotten an early exclusive look at a couple of chapters that are yet to come, and trust me, it's so good! You all will enjoy it so check it out if you like strong female leads cuz I already adore Ms. Asimina. And she updates weekly unlike my dumbass lmao

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(Verona's POV)

My fingers traced the flowers engraved into the wooden jewelry box that rested on my lap. It was the same box I had brought back from my mamma's house. My heart raced thinking about what all this was for, but I knew I was ready to do it. My mind had been made up a long time ago, and now the time had finally arrived.

I handed the medium-sized box over to Vince who bowed. "Regina mia."

The bowing felt very unusual to me, and it had only been a few hours since I was crowned la regina (the queen). I had refused to dream and imagine myself in that position as Leo's wife, and to receive such gestures felt... strano (strange). I had been targeted and verbally abused by many of the people that were kissing my feet and lowering her heads before me today. Not that Vince was ever one of them. He always treated me with respect as his boss' wife.

"I need this mailed properly to this address." I handed him a small paper with an address. I just hoped it reached its destination safely and soon, and Vince was someone I trusted with this task. His loyalty to Leo assured me of that.

"Of course! Is there anything else I can assist you with?"

"No, thank you! Just don't open the box. It's old and tricky to close."

"As you please."

He bowed and walked away with the package, allowing me to sigh as the usual fear rumbled in my withered heart. The night wasn't over. I had things to do and the box was yet to reach its location. If it didn't, all this would've been for nothing.

"Hello, my moon."

My heart skipped a sudden beat and my breath died in my throat at the sound of his chilling voice. I hadn't heard it in a long time, but I could never forget it. "You're not real," I mumbled under my breath, not wanting the guards following me to think of me as another ragazza pazza (crazy girl) which I knew they already thought of me as. I kept my head low and walked in the direction of my room.

"Don't be scared, my moon. You know I can't hurt you now. I never wanted to. Take a gander, won't ya?"

Without letting my feet stop, I clenched my palms to keep myself under control and finally looked up to see the same dirty smirk that sat on his mouth. The scar that stretched from under his left eye to his stern jawline was still very prominent and it didn't fail to make me gasp for air.

"Are you alright, ma'am?" one of the guards behind me asked.

"Yes!" I blurted quickly and turned around to face the people that were actually real. Among them, two were women and two were men, but they weren't the person I needed at the moment. "Could you please have Zee come to my room?"

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