Chapter 42: The End Of A Legacy

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Flashback continued

Some of you asked me how the "mysterious" man let the box go through. I'm just gonna make it clear that Verona didn't write anything about that man in the letters which is why he let it pass. If you read the part before her death, you can figure it out.

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(Verona's POV)

          My mind had been giving up on me and shutting down constantly in the last few days. If I wasn't wrong, it had been over a week. Astor hadn't touched me since he kidnapped me. I didn't understand why, but I was waiting for him to come in any minute and rape me again. However, he only came into the room to talk or update me on what was going on. From what he was telling me and videos he showed me, my funerale (funeral) had been held. I was dead for everyone that ever knew me. Even for the man I loved. If Leo had any inkling that I was alive, he'd come to rescue me, but the snake he had as a friend made sure everything was set up properly to make him believe I was gone. Astor had even bribed the doctors to declare someone else's dead body as mine. That fact that I was never escaping this demone (demon) tore me apart endlessly, and I didn't have the energy to even cry anymore.

A whimper left my mouth as I turned on the mattress and sat up to glance at my prison. It was a normal room with a comfortable bed, a bathroom, and a small TV mounted on the wall. It was to keep me sane, he had said. Other than that, it was dull and empty. White walls with no furniture or painting to embellish the room. The only blatantly odd feature was the metal door that kept me locked inside. Patetico (Pathetic)! He certainly couldn't have windows through which I could escape. I was trapped within the four suffocating walls of the room, wearing the clothes he provided, forced to eat healthy for the baby, and expected to be a good girl. Che palle!

The metal door to my prison slid open and in walked two men. One held a phone before my eyes while the other closed the door.

          "My moon!" Astor's repulsive face is shown on the screen through a video call. "Look where I am." He turned the camera, showing me my mamma in her house. The pain in my body disappeared as soon as I met her eyes through the device and sat up.

"Verona!" My mamma erupted in a cry of relief but was held back against a chair by Astor's men. "Sei vivo. Lo sapevo (You're alive. I knew it)!"

"Mamma." I couldn't help the tears of joy that claimed me, but at the same time, I feared for her life now. Astor was there for a reason and he would never let anyone live who knew I was still breathing. "What are you doing with her?"

Turning the camera back to his face, Astor let out an exaggerated sigh. "She was sticking her nose in places it didn't belong and asked too many questions about you. She believed you were still alive. Credits to maternal instincts, I suppose, but she's a problem now."

"Astor, don't you dare hurt her!" I threatened a man who had my entire life in his fists.

"She has already written her suicide note. All she has to do is kill herself now. I'm kind enough to allow you to say goodbye."

"Please, don't!" I begged, desperately trying to reach for the phone in the man's hand as if I could just reach through the screen and save my mamma from the claws of the mostro (monster), but the phone was pulled away from my grasp. On my knees with tears pouring down my cheeks like fiumi (rivers), I joined my hands together and begged for her safety. "I will do anything. I will be the good girl you want me to. Just let her go. She won't tell anyone. Per favore (Please)!"

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